Friday, July 23, 2010

I just had to get it in

"My main man, Vern...V-E-R-N--Vern."--'Rain Man'

Strangely, no quotes

Today, in Physical Therapy, I was read (CORRECTION! That was passive voice.) (I listened to) both my short-term and long-term goals, and we practiced my instructions for my transfers.

I am a real-life 'Rain Man'

"Gotta have 12 cheeseballs."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"The question is 'Can you deal with THAT?'"

I forgot from where I got that quote, but "it's the principle". Okay, okay. That last quote was from me, when I got home, visibly upset, after I received a B+ in an accelerated Master's Program.
I haven't posted in a while, because I have been a little 'down in the dumps' lately. The Minnesota Twins baseball team have been in a bit of a rut, lately, but they won today, so now, I'm better. I hope that I didn't just jinx them (crossing my fingers).
I promised that I would give a shout-out to my grandmother 'cuz she is recently celebrating her 90th birthday. (upside-down exclamation point) Feliz Cumplean(~ above the 'n')os!
Later gator!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Real-Life Rain Man

I really do feel like a real-life 'Rain Man'.  I see so many "shenanigans" that other patients pull that I feel like they're driving me CRAZY.  Alright, alright, ALRIGHT!  Who's gonna pistol-whip me ('Super Troopers')?!  
   Pi = 3.141592654.  "Hot water burn baby!"  "Nurse Ratchett, I want MY cigarettes!"  "I'm TIRED.  I'm so TIRED!"  "82...82...82--246."  "Ha!  Charlie Babbit made a joke!"  "Ray, did you fart?!..."  "I don't mind it."
   Okay, those quotes weren't all made by Raymond Babbit.  But y'all get the idea...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My biznass

I'm sorry about the delay. I gotta keep up with my homiez. Plus, I like to keep y'all guessin'.
Today, I went into town (with Leeann) and got my hair cut. Plus, after the trim, Leeann and I went out to her car, and I, yet again, almost got her arrested! She used her car door as a blocker, while I used my urinal.
Yesterday, me and Leeann (excuse me, Leeann and I) filled out a survey of F.I.N.R.
I can't think of anything else just yet...
On Sat Jul 3rd, 2010 10:55 AM EDT Grant wrote:
>How about an update on your blog?
>Pretty Please

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