Thursday, September 29, 2011


So, my mom and my g/f JUST packed up ALL my stuff--in my room-- for my departure from THIS facility.
So, 'A REVWA!'  (The spelling may be incorrect, because IT's a foreign language...that I DON'T SOMEWHAT speak.) (F.Y.I.: I comprehend English, Turkish, Spanish, SOME Latin, etc.)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just to CONFIRM HETEROsexuality:

My GIRLfriend:
"She's got a real, REAL pretty face!" 
(i've considered taking her to get some "GLAMOR-SHOTS".)
(THOSE two quotes are from 'Napoleon Dynamite'.)

I apologize that I don't have much to report.  But, I HAVE noticed that my leg AND hand movements are improving!  (I've been shifting my legs onto/off the bed after/before transports.) (I brush MY OWN teeth AT LEAST 2 OUT OF 3 TIMES PER DAY) ((THAT'S 66.6 (repeating) %)).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SOME Physical Therapy:

...I did various leg exercises--leg-lifts, kicks, "marching"--WITH  5-pound weight strapped around my left ankle and 15 ponds around my right ankle.

I did THESE exercises so quickly that I spent the last ~10 minutes pedaling on the FOOT-bike.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Maybe it's just because I'm so familiar with the highway-area near my PREVIOUS home/abode, but I KNOW the north/south exits in my AREA.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


((THESE are ALL from "my memory"--which was GREATLY diminished by my accident (UNFORTUNATELY)--so I can't vouch for their accuracy.))

1 mile ~ 1.8 kilometers
1 kilogram ~ 2.2 pounds
1 meter ~ 39.1 inches
1 inch ~ 2.3 centimeters
1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Baby Steps"

--book written by Dr. Leo Marvin (played by actor, Richard Dreyfuss, in the movie, 'What About Bob?')

My Physical Therapy has been going VERY WELL!  I've been using the parallel bars to guide me as I've been--with minimal help from my Therapist--"walking" ~6 feet...~3 times per week. 
Also, I've been doing leg-strength exercises.  I've been doing CONTROLLED kicks--with a 5-pound weight strapped around my left ankle and either a 12- or 15-pound weight (I forgot.) around my right...(elliptical clause)

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