Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm gettin' there.

So, yesterday in my Physical Therapy, I ACTUALLY WALKED around my den--with a "hemi-walker" (I THINK THAT'S the name.) ((IT'S like a HALF-WALKER--hence the name.  (HEMI=HALF))  
I had two "spotters" who stood on either side of me in case I had any "trouble".

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Again, "MY BAD!"

... Without checking, I THINK it's "DIhydrogen MONoxide".

(Your line would be: "A.J., DROP IT!"  "THIS is CHRISTMAS!  The season of perpetual HOPE!"--'Home Alone')

Saturday, December 24, 2011


... If my Latin understanding is correct, IT'S "DIhydrogen MONOxide" (H2O) for water.


... I was using the direct Latin translation.
On the contrary, WATER = hydrogen dioxide.

(I took SPANISH in high school NOT Latin.)

ACTUAL progress

I'm back to "reporting" about my progress after some TERRIBLE distractions.

UNFORTUNATELY, because of a distraction, I'm "A DAY LATE (and a dollar short)" on wishing my viewers a HAPPY "FESTIVUS"(--'Seinfeld')!  (If you don't know what THAT is, then "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"--Soup Nazi, 'Seinfeld')

I've been doing A LOT--physically!  Two days ago, I took some ACTUAL physical steps--ALMOST WALKING--along my parallel bars.  Today, I went in my pool, and the water REALLY assisted my movement!  PLUS, my pool is saltwater, so the NaCl (chemical formula of salt) in the dihydrogen oxide (chemical name for WATER) creates better buoyancy.  So, I could ACTUALLY STAND--for the first time in OVER 3 YEARS!

Things are looking better for me ...


... There has just been a delay in my blogging.  Here's why:

1) I'm STILL getting acclimated to my WONDERFUL new house.
2) I've been REALLY PERTURBED about the fact that some JERK of a patient at my last facility--His father SOMEHOW got my e-mail address.  (THANKS A LOT, WASTE-OF-MY-MONEY "NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE"!) Yeah, THAT piece of CRAP e-mailed me!
3) I've been BUSY--w/ "therapy", visitors, house-construction, etc.!

MORE when I'm in a better mood ...

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