Tuesday, August 29, 2017

(TUESDAY). YEAH, baby! (I'm KISSING my biceps.)

-- LAST week, I set a NEW personal-BEST by doing 76 PUSHUPS

... But, I DID need two MINOR-breaks, 'cuz I HAD-to FIX my LEFT-hand positioning.

... But, TODAY!  ... Today, I did 76 PUSHUPS ... withOUT ANY stoppages ... & QUICKLY!

Monday, August 28, 2017

(MONDAY). "THAT's what SHE said!"

(-- Michael Scott, 'The Office')

-- Today at my gym ('NeuroFit 360'), my trainer commented to ME:
"WOW, your BALANCE has really-IMPROVED!"

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

(TUESDAY) I'm STILL settin' personal-BESTS!

-- During my UPPER body-workout, I did 

... PRE-accident, I never even-TRIED to do MORE-than ~60.

-- I got the [FAULTY] steering, reclining & table of my MOTORIZED-wheelchair ... PROPERLY-adjusted.


Sunday, August 20, 2017


Friday afternoon I interviewed--& hired--a SOCIAL-Liaison to  stimulate my SOCIAL-life, ... as it is--CURRENTLY ... NON-existent.  

"I want a girl with a short-skirt & a LOOOOOOOONG-jacket."


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) When will "THEN" be "NOW"?

If AS you're discussing the immediate-FUTURE, it immediately becomes the PAST, ... then ...

there is NO PRESENT!


Tuesday, August 8, 2017


(I'm KISSING my biceps.)
-- That's three CONSECUTIVE workouts of 

66 pushups (my RECORD).

Next week, I'll AIM-for 70.


(TUESDAY) ... I've been workin' HARD on my bookS.

-- I EMPHATICALLY-support the COMMON-saying:
"DoN'T judge a BOOK by its COVER."

... But, ... TECHNICALLY, ... isn't THAT what covers are FOR?  ... To gather ATTENTION?!

... Humans' NATURAL-inclination is to then JUDGE!


Monday, August 7, 2017

(MONDAY 3) PROOF ... of my "WORK"

-- The railings are SOFT & MANEUVERABLE.

... There's a MIRROR, so I can WATCH MYSELF walk.

... There's a LONG platform on the ground to keep my strides STRAIGHT.


(... MONDAY 2) "Trial & Error"

-- I TRIED drinking/eating pureed MANGO-juice today in my SPEECH-Therapy.

... I ONLY tasted SLIGHT-citrus.  So, I'll switch-BACK to the ORANGE-juice.

(... Live & LEARN.)



... = "Wacky Opening Wednesday"!

-- DELAYED-posting:

... So, I threw a "FAREWELL-Party" on Saturday for my brother who's DEPARTING the COUNTRY LATE Monday (today) night.

... 'Twas a HOOTENANNY!

... We played ALOTTA beirut!  I was 3-0 with my BRO as my teammate & only 1-0 with someone-ELSE.

... Thus, "BLOOD is thickER than WATER."


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

(TUESDAY) What a PLEASANT ... "stop around the corner"!

-- My BRO & I fast-forwarded our typical "WEDNESDAY afternoon ADVENTURE".

... But, I've got an appointment with a new PSYCH-Doc tomorrow.

... C'est la vie.

P.S. 'Atomic Blonde' KICKS ASS@
(... Pun INTENDED.)
... She's THEE "female James Bond".


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