Wednesday, September 27, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) NEW-project:

'Tis of the LEXICON-sort --> 
I'm gonna TRY-to bring-BACK the wordS 

quell --to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity;
to hand-DOWN.
Ex. I INTEND-to quell this-here T.B.I.

bequeath --:to give or leave by will ... used especially of personal property.
Ex. Eventually, I INTEND-to bequeath my ... POOL ... to my kid[S].


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

(TUESDAY) I earned a NEW-"FAN"!

I SHARED my BLOG with my [relatively-] NEWER NeuralPsychoTherapist.

... He CHUCKLED at my WORK & described it as "VERY WITTY!"

Sunday, September 24, 2017

(SUNDAY) WHAT I've been doing:

AFTER consulting with my Editor ('cuz I'm a SOON-to be PUBLISHED WRITER now), I'm gonna BLOG-post the JOURNAL I kept during the WEEK or so my electricity was OUT.

... HERE 'tis:



   With NO electrical-power (NO Internet, NO television, NO DVD-player, NO air conditioning, NO lights, NO lamps), I just-HAFTA suck it UP, & push-ON.


-- I released (RECTALLY) SOME of my frustration in my TOILET … TWICE in ~three hours EARLY this morning … INSTEAD of PERUSING the Internet.
(… Is THAT how the COOL-kids are referring to their GALAVANTING-upon the World Wide Web … THESE days?)
… THAT’s a GOOD thing, because I received EXTRA feedings late last night as PREP for the ZERO feedings ALL-day TODAY, ‘cuz of the IMMINENT inclement-weather.

… USUALLY, I’m ENTIRELY LEFT-brained, … a.k.a. MATHEMATICAL & ORDER-seeking. 
… NOW, I hafta-devise various NON-electrical ways to entertain MYSELF.  … Then, I WRITE about ‘em.
(… KINDA-like how a BLOG works)

-- I played a few card games.
… I played a NEW game (“Mexican Train”) with my mom & my Caregiver.  ‘Tis NOT the most-INTERESTING game.  But, THEY humored me.
… P.S. I won!
(… ‘Cuz it’s ALL numbers & strategy)
… I played 3-person cribbage.  My Caregiver was WINNING for … ~78.4% of the match.  … But, in the LAST TWO hands, I cranked-UP da’ juice … & WON.

-- I ATE some chicken … & cottage cheese … SEPARATELY … & ORALLY.
… I actually-REQUESTED a mouth-COOLER/-MOISTENER AFTER the … six bites of chicken, because they were DRY.
(… I ASKED-for some o’ the ice cream cake my mom brought-over.  … But, I SETTLED-for … nine bites o’ cottage cheese, as my mom dipped Ritz crackers in HER half.
(… I called her out—a la ‘Seinfeld’—for “DOUBLE-dipping the chip”.)
... Yes, I—ASHAMEDLY—felt like a CHILD … for having-to SHARE his-OWN bowl of food with his-OWN MOTHER!

-- FURTHER-utilizing my CREATIVITY, I used my TWO-armed BENDING-bar, … ‘til I got tired.
(… which was … a LONG-time)
(… I FORGOT the device’s exact-NAME.)

-- THANKFULLY, my MAIN-Nurse/#2 in command had the FOREsight—which I LACK (OBVIOUSLY)—to fill-out my PAYROLL-form FRIDAY instead of MONDAY.

-- JUST as something to DO—since I currently have NOTHING, I’ll count-UP the COMMON football-scores.  ((… In OTHER-words, I’ll count the 3s (field goals) & 7s (touchdowns with extra point).)):

3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 70, etc.

((… THAT’s about as HIGH as I’ve ever SEEN!  (TEN touchdowns?!  … Come ON, Defense?!  … So, I’ll STOP there, … & do CRUNCHES.))
(… I KNOW it is NOT EVERY multiple of 3.  But, it’s pretty-much ALL the scores I’ve actually-SEEN.)

-- Aaahhh, EARLY-bedtime … at ~9:45 pm … EST, ‘cuz I’m HOPING my Davie-community … pulls its head OUTTA its ass … by morning.  ZZZZZZZZZZZ

[MONDAY – 9/11]
(… What an APPROPRIATE date … for SUCH a CALAMITY!)
(… As an Unwavering-OPTIMIST, I say: “Make today CELEBRATORY …. For BELOW the belt-reasonS!  … FYI: I’m talkin’ LEGS & WALKING, … NOT GROIN & CANOODLING.)
(… I WISH!)

-- With NO electrical-power (STILL?!), I have NO-idea of the time. 
(… ‘Twas ~11:30 pm … PST.)
… I AWOKE to WALK-to my toilet to STAND & urinate.
… Despite my EXTREME-fatigue … at ~2:30 a,m. … EST, ‘twas a SURPRISINGLY-GOOD WALK … of an UNWAVERING, eyes-UP GAZE, STABLE HIPS & a STEADY GAIT.

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) If I were to describe the appearance of my pool in CULINARY-terms (‘cuz THAT’s what I KNOW), it LOOKS-like a CONGLOMERATION of Cream of BROCCOLI & [WATERED-down] Split-Pea SOUPS.

(… ‘Cuz my WORKS are on

-- Even though I—only-CURRENTLY—GREATLY-DESPISE her (for IGNORING me & IMPLYING that she WISHES I were DEAD), I DO-HOPE that my EX-belle … & her family …  SURVIVED this storm SAFELY.
(… My fraternity’s motto is … Be a TRUE Gentleman.)
… Along THOSE lines, I WISH I had email to CHECK-on the physical- & psychological-HEALTH of my friends in the SoFla-area.

-- To avoid EXTREME-BOREDOM, I’ll list some PRIME numbers:
… (Is 1 PRIME?  …. I’m goin’ with … no.)
2 (?), 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 91, 97, 101, 103, 109.  
So, the COMPLETE list of prime #s for EACH of the tens’ divisions up-to 110 would be … four, four, two, two, three, two, two, three, two, two, three.
… I JUST-noticed that … STARTING-with the 20s, each tens’ division contains TWO then TWO then THREE primes, … alternating, … up-to—AND including the 100s.
… So, I LIKE-to PLAY with NUMBERS in my spare-time.  It’s RELAXING … & mind-DEVELOPING.  Is THAT so-WRONG?!
… PLUS, ‘tis ENCOURAGING, … that my MUCH-MALIGNED MIND can STILL quantitatively-PROCESS at a FRACTION of the SPEED & ACCURACY it once-HAD!  I still GALLANTLY-TRY for PRECISION, … to NO-avail.

[TUESDAY – 9/12]
   After a HORRIBLE night, (“I’m on NO-sleep.  NO-sleep!  … Oh, I’m ‘STRESSED’.”—Jerry, ‘Seinfeld’) ‘cuz my WONDERFUL house LACKS a generator to COOL me.  In lieu of my ZERO-power & ZERO-air conditioning, I went to my mom’s apartment … at ~2:30 am.  THERE, I could FINALLY get-BACK online & recharge my laptop.

-- I’m TORN: I WANNA-be COMFORTABLE & WORKING in MY house.  But, I am so, so, SSSOOOOO Uncomfortable IN my NON-air conditioned home.
… So, I VENTURED-over to my mom’s place ‘til DAMN-Davie FIXES my POWER. 
(… ‘Twas WEDNESDAY, & their [collective] HEADS were STILL wedged FIRMLY-UP their ASSES.  But, MY BIG-ballz made me TRY my abode.)
I PLACATED my mom by stating:
“I woN’T DIRECT my ANGER AT anyone in-PARTICULAR.  But, I am VERY UPSET with my CURRENT situation!”  (… Word-PLAY for Internet, electric-power & legs)

-- Then, the Internet went-OUT at HER place!
(… F—K the Davie/Plantation area for being SO STUPID!  … I rih-FUZE to BELIEVE that I’m the ONLY semi-SANE individual who UNDERSTANDS the CONCEPT of … PREPARATION!)
… So, I CONTINUED my writing AND tried-to teach my mom Hearts.
… We ALSO played Jin Rumi & cribbage.
(… I REEEALLY-NEEEEED the Internet!)

[WEDNESDAY – 9/13]
   I slept GREAT last night … for a CHANGE!  After a CASUAL morning of WALKIN’ around to TEST my special-RECOGNITION in the bathroom, PAIN-compensation for my LEFT-heel & TEACHING my mom the DIFFERENCE between accuracy & precision, I decided to RE-try the facilities of/at The Cunning Kaynatma-‘Casa’ of Kickassedry.  (… à MY house)
… Alliteration aside.  [AUDIBLE-sigh] The Internet & cable are STILL OUT.  (WHY?  ‘Cuz Comcast is possibly—no, PROBABLY—no, DEFINITELY--the WORST company for ANYTHING … in the WORLD … EVER!
… FYI: IF you work-FOR said-company, then I’ll NEVER respect you.

-- So, I went HOME … to STAY.  The power WORKS.  (YAY!)  The A/C WORKS.  (YAY!)  … But, STILL, NO-Internet & NO-television.  (  : (  )
--  MAYBE I’m being SELFISH. 
… A SERIOUSLY-debilitated Traumatic Brain Injury-victim—who’s STILL LIKELY smartER than ~87.42% of the WORLD’s population … at MATH--NEEDS the Internet to TREAT the planet to his TACTFUL & INSIGHTFUL observations!
(… Yeah, I’m NEGATIVELY-mentioning my T.B.I.  But, there’s a GARGANTUAN DIFFERENCE between using my ailment as an EXCUSE & as a COUNTERPOINT!)
DUNCE-like city of Davie, Florida, if I were LIVING in The Sandlot, … I’d be The Great Hambino & DISapprovingly-GRUNT at YOU, Davie [Smalls]:
“You’re KILLIN’ me, Smalls!”
… OF The Sandlot-characters, … I ‘d DEFINITELY-be:
Hamilton Porter for HUMOR,
Benny “the JET” Rodriguez for ATHLETICISM & BRAVERY
& Squints for ENDING with the BABE—Wendy Pfeffercorn.

(HEAVY AUDIBLE-sigh) So, my tech-WIZARD housemate pieced-TOGETHER HIS Playstation to MY DVD-collection for OUR viewing of … some old episodes of ‘Scorpion’!
GOTTA go-for the greatER-GOOD!

-- With SO-MUCH spare-time now, I notice so (TOO?) MANY oddities.
… E.g. I have mechanical-LIFTS next-to BOTH my bed AND my bathtub, … NEITHER of which I’ve EVER used.
(… GREAT purchase with MY money, MOM!  … THAT was SARCASM, ye of LITTLE faith!)
… I’m not sure WHY.  But, POST-accident I’ve LOST my once-STELLAR ability to FOCUS on ONE item for an EXTENSIVE period.
(… MUST I—voluntarily—attend a CONCENTRATION Camp?  … WHEN is it NOT too-SOON for Holocaust-JOKES?!)

-- I YEARN-for the day, when I may TREAT the CURIOUS public by EXPOSING MYSELF
specifically my insightful-MIND—to the EVER-so CURIOUS Public.

-- (1^2 x 3)/4 + 5 – 6 = -1/4
(… By the Order of Operations … for POSITIVE, WHOLE numbers, THAT’s P.E.M.D.A.S.)

-- My MAIN-Nurse came over LATE to check on me.  (… BLESS her heart!)
… I THINK that PSYCHOLOGICAL-factors play an ALMOST-equally MAJOR-role as MEDICINAL-stimulants in … biological-EXCRETIONS:
… Over the last two days, TECHNICALLY/according-to A.J.’s MEDICAL-pattern, I was DUE for an Excretory-Explosion.  So, one o’ my nurses fed me some bowel-stimulant during ONE of my eight MEALS I ingested THERE.  Yet, I had ENOUGH-difficulty explaining to my CaregiverS HOW to maneuver the TIGHT-quarters of my MOM’s lavatorial-area for ME to STAND & URINATE.  I was-NOT willing to TRY-to … SIT on a NON-handicapped toilet … for a FECAL-christening.
(… Was THAT just UN-intentionally BLASPHEMIC?!)
… I have a FRAGILE, arthritic LEFT-hip.
… Well, within ~18 hours of my return to MY Handicap-ACCESSIBLE quarters, I’d hosted THREE SEPARATE Bowel-BONANZAS!
‘Tis better LATE than NEVER, eh, Medicine?!

[THURSDAY – 9/14]
      I awoke … EARLY (at ~3:15 am … EST) … to EXCRETE some EXCESS bodily-WASTE. 
… But, with STILL NO-Internet, I … WRITE … & design MORE self DEFENSE techniques.
… I think ... no, I’ll DEFINITELY … invite MYSELF over to my mom’s place … to STEAL (SSSHHH!) some Internet-time. 
… THANKFULLY, she understands my FRUSTRATION.
(… She’s SYMpathetic … NOT EMpathetic.  … ONLY-MATHEMATICALLY, she’s JUST-pathetic.)
(… She & I have a MUTUALLY-symbiotic relationship FULL-of TEACHING, LAUGHING, GOOD-natured RIBBING, RESPECT & COURTESY.

-- Either TODAY or TOMORROW I’ll schedule an appointment at my barber.
… NOT for a haircut, but to clean-up/trim my growing BEARD.  As I’ve NEVER sported a BEARD, I am ADMITTEDLY-UNfamiliar with its PROPER-maintenance.  
‘Por ejemplo’, how can I NOT CONSTANTLY-EAT these HAIRS?!
… I’ve sported a WELL-kept goatee since COMPLETING high school. 
(… FACIAL-hair was FORBIDDEN at my Catholic high school.)
… PERHAPS my T.B.I. SOMEHOW stimulated my HAIR-follicles … to make me more … HIRSUTE, as I’m NOW … FREQUENTING the barbershop, GROWING a BEARD & … (SSSHHH!) SHAVING [ONLY] my UPPER-arms.
(… Additionally, my T.B.I. sharpened my appeal for AESTHETICS.  … Sooooo, AM I … more FEMININE?!)
… My amygdala’s SCREAMING—whilst SAGGING his pants, “Hellz-NAW!”

-- Ha ha HA!  A small-VICTORY cometh MY way!  … My MAIN-Nurse said that “It’s NOT selfish at-ALL for [ME] to DESPERATELY-want [my] ONLY form of COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT.”
(… So, c’mON, city of Davie!  HELP a brutha OUT!

-- I JUST-designed ANOTHER martial arts-technique.
(… I caN’T turn my mind OFF!)

-- Upon REFLECTION, I WAS (PRE-accident) an OVERALL-“DIAMOND in the ROUGH”(--‘Aladdin’).  NOW, my SINGULARITIES are more FOCUSED in my MENTAL-realms.
… This is NOTHING-AGAINST MY parents!  … I’m merely-stating that I [HYPOTHETICALLY] look-FORWARD to the day I REALIZE … that MY offspring is (ARE?) smartER than me.
(((… Kid—to me: “Dad, it’s ‘smarter than I!  C’mON!  You’re BETTER than that!”
ME: “I KNOW you are.  But, what am I?!”
(OUT-pops my tongue.)
Kid: (SARCASTICALLY) “REAL-mature, Dad.  … Dare I say … SOPHOMORIC?!”)))

-- THANK-GOODNESS my mom is so NICE!
… She’s ALLOWING me to come-over & STEAL HER WiFi … for the afternoon.
(… Just to be NICE, I woN’T kick her dog.  … UNLESS … it BITES me … AGAIN.
… My mom—to ME: “’IT’?!  HOW can you call her an ‘IT’?!”
My retort: “I RESPECT its PRIVACY.  … IF ‘Oreo’ IS—indeed--a FEMALE—as you claim, would you PREFER I refer to IT as a BITCH?  … ‘Cuz that WOULD make IT a ‘FEMALE-dog’.  … Am I wrong?  … Am I WRONG?!”
My mom: “No, son.  Your reasoning is NOT-WRONG.  … You’re JUST bein’ an ASSHOLE!”
… ME: … “And, … 31!”
… Ya see, WHILE she was so CONCERNED about IT, I was yet-AGAIN rackin’ UP points in cribbage.

-- ANYWAY, when I returned to MY HOUSE—FROM my MOM’s nearby apartment—at ~4:45 pm … BEFORE my dinner & shower, my television AND Internet [FINALLY] WORKED again!
(… YAY!)

… Thus, I COULD … FINALLY & COMFORTABLY & APPROPRIATELY ... sleep in my-OWN house!

Friday, September 22, 2017


RATHER-than abiding by the COMMON-saying,


I PREFER--personally,


... I REALIZE that my JUDGMENT is POOR & UNRELIABLE--as a DIRECT-result of my Traumatic Brain Injury.  
... So, I can/will ADMIT that I NEED help in SOME of MY decision-making.
... THAT SELF-analysis is VERY-commendable in my REHABILITATION.



Sunday, September 3, 2017

(SUNDAY) ... RELAX, y'ALL! I'm just BUSY ... "to the Nth".

-- I've been writing' ... a FEW ... BOOKS.
... I'm STILL goin' OUT & exercisin' ... from TIME-to-TIME.
... Just--in my SPARE-time--I WRITE.   

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