Thursday, April 26, 2018

(THURSDAY) I have NO-"sense".

(Excerpt from my Memoirs:)

"SENSE is something one may or may-NOT possess, when one has a CHOICE.  One could either make a GOOD or BAD decision, according-to inherent JUDGING.  Conversely, Sense only exists, when Choice is present.  Since many of my daily-decisions DISallow options, I often LACK options.  As a direct-result, I LACK Sense & therefore shaN’T be Judged."

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) ALAS, I'm oldER! (January 25, 2019--my 12,345th DAY ALIVE)

-- "So, I made a 'BUCKET-list'.

THEN, I changed the 'B' to an 'F', and now I'm SET."
(--Jerry Seinfeld on 'Late Show with David Letterman')

… NOW/TODAY, I am  ... 12,070 days alive.  And, I've been making GREAT progress lately: 

... This past Monday, my uncle called--on the phone--from Minnesota.  So, I had a lengthy conversation with him--on the phone.
... He remarked how "GREAT it is to hear [my] voice."
... I've COMPLETELY-eliminated my pigeon-toe

-- "What is 'AGE' but a 'state of MIND'?!"


-- "'Knowing YOURSELF' is the BEGINNING of ALL WISDOM."


-- "You're only as old as you FEEL."

OFTEN I feel super-OLD, 'cuz I canNOT walk, I'm in a wheelchair & I have ... helpers.   

Lucy: Time is the only true unit of measure. 

It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we don't exist.

(--Lucy, 'Lucy')

Professor Norman: "For primitive beings 

like us, life seems to have only one single 
purpose: gaining time. And it is going through time that seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that aim, the mass of the cells that make up earthworms and human beings has only two solutions. Be immortal, or to reproduce. If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing, the cell will choose immortality. In other words, self-sufficiency and self-management. On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable, they will choose to reproduce. That way, when they die, they hand down essential information and knowledge to the next cell. Which hands it down to the next cell and so on. Thus knowledge and learning are handed down through time."

(--Professor Norman, 'Lucy')        

-- "The GREATEST-'trick' the Devil ever 'played' ... was 'CONVINCING the world he didN'T exist."

(--Verbal Kint, 'The Usual Suspects')

(... As of mid-2008 to late-2011, I did-NOT exist, ... according-to the [IGNORANT] American government.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) NEW neurological-synapse!


So, I was sittin' o'er my toilet [EARLY] this morning, just waitin' for my anus to explode (TRUE-story!), when I got to thinkin' MUSICALLY (How ODD!):

(DAMNIT!  I forgot the musical-TUNE.)

''Gettin' BETTER''

"Dealin' with a T.B.I. can be quite exclusive.
I know too well.
I try so hard, everyday
To gain some respect.
No notable results yet.
After a decade, I'm writin' books as a way to vent.
WALK & TALK are my ultimate-goals.
Somehow, I did-not forget my Biophysics,
Which I apply in my workouts.

Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.
Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.

NOT too late to improve.
Just gotta find my legs' groove.
Ev'rything's gotta have ORDER!  ... Math's IN music.

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

"Dealin' with a T.B.I. can be quite exclusive.
I know too well.
There are plenty o' times I get ridiculously lonely.
Just suck it up & push-through.
Lately, I'm SEEIN' improvements & FEELIN' more!
I won't give-up.
Now I've gotta-be quite a-BIT more obvious,
Because you-ALL can't see my thoughts.

Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.
Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.

NOT too late to improve.
Just gotta find my legs' groove.
Ev'rything's gotta have ORDER!  ... Math's IN music.

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

(TUESDAY) Guys in wheelchairs are ... SUPER-smart.

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
(-- President F.D.R.)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

(SUNDAY) My thoughts tend-to ... DRIFT.


I had a Writer's BLOCK the other day.  So, I thought about NUMBERS--as I often do, 'cuz that helps me RELAX.  
Here's what I concluded: ... 

The best number is 73. WHY?

 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3.  The difference of 7 & 3, when raised to the power of 3, summed to the square of 3 equals ... 73.

(... I--OBVIOUSLY--need visitors.)


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