Monday, August 20, 2018


This afternoon at my FANTASTIC gym (NeuroFit 360) I WALKED--sans walker, sans cane, JUST my [new] trainer's standing behind me & LIGHTLY supporting my back--~25 feet in one direction, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED ~40 feet in a new direction, PAUSED & STOOD there, as another trainer & patient SLOOOWLY maneuvered by, WALKED another ~20 feet, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED ~15 feet, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED the remaining ~60 feet & sat down on a cushioned bench.

At the end of my session, I repeated the procedure for my ~80 foot WALK outside to my wheelchair.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Spoiler alert: I'm a hopeless romantic.

So, I write ... like, NON-stop.
Currently, I've written EIGHT books, with at-LEAST six more on the way.  Regardless of the genre of my stories, I always include a ROMANTIC twist.  Neglecting the current romantic-FUNK I'm in, I write what I want.

Also, I went out to see the movie--'The Meg'--today with my brother.  
(HIGHLY recommend it)

P.S. I'm changing the adjective "hopeLESS" to DETERMINED.  I'm a determined romantic.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

(SUNDAY) I've got BALLZ.

The fact that I can admit, teach-about & even JOKE-about my painfully-debilitating Traumatic Brain Injury is courageous & commendable.

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