Tuesday, September 17, 2019

(Back & forth between my neurologist & me:)

(After my FIRST waking from my second coma after my catastrophic car accident:)

ME: "What if my leg-control never returns?  I'm scared."

Doc: "SSSHHH.  Are you smart?"

ME: "Of course."

Doc: "Then, don't be scared."

(... This conversation is based on an exchange in the film, 'Jack Reacher'.)

PLEEEEEASSSE purchase any & ALL of my assorted books.

... Just type "kaynatma" (my last name) onto amazon, & my workS will appear.
(Three have been published--thus far--outta 13 DONE.)

'Tis updated frequently.


Thursday, March 14, 2019


In honor of today's illustrious date 
(3/14 = Pi day), I apologize that I missed the exact time to depict more humor.  Since pi = ~3.1415926..., 'twould have been hilarious to post on March 14th at 1:59 & 26 hundredths in the morning.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

(THURSDAY) Move over, Cal!

Cal Ripken owns the Major League Baseball record of consecutive games played with 2,632.  

(muffled snicker)

Well, today I went to the dentist, & it marked my 12,380th consecutive day withOUT a cavity.  

In other words, in all of my ~33.8959 years ALIVE, I've never had a cavity.
(... Knock on wood.)

P.S. My dentist told me today, that he'd never seen a tooth with "multiple root canals".

... Yet, I have one.
(--> That's just further evidence, that I am an anomaly/weirdo.)

Monday, January 28, 2019

(MONDAY) . I'm an anomaly.


In general, the left hemisphere of the brain controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing.  So, how the hell do I write more, have better grammar & mentally quantify better?!

... Game, set & match Kaynatma

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