Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"There's no news, quite like good news, unless it's Gary Guh-nooz!"

I have a bit of a 'bad news sandwich'. ('good news'-'bad news'-'good news') DON'T get hungry! 1) I, successfully, showed the new P.T. student how I can lean on either elbow,while on the mat. 2) I urinated SO MUCH, in the urinal, this morning, that some overflowed onto my bed. I could have sung, "Let the RAIN fall down on me!" 3) Oh yeah! Did I mention that I beat the new P.T. student 4 games to love (0, in tennis jargon) at Connect 4? Then, I told her, "Hey! If you mess with the bull, you get the horns. I hope she, internally, said, "Lesson learned."

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