Monday, August 15, 2011

Also today,

...I did leg-kicks and knee-raises--WITH a 5 pound weight strapped around my left ankle and a 12 pound weight around my right ankle  I did 4 sets of ten repetitions with each leg--NON-SIMULTANEOUSLY.

[I don't know exactly why AJ emphasizes "non-simultaneously," but here is something worth noting. AJ's left leg used to respond to him better when he tried to move both legs instead of simply the left alone. This has to do with how our muscles communicate. It was easier to compel the weaker leg to work if the stronger one were working alongside it as a model. That AJ is now moving the left leg (so well and with so much weight on it) without also moving the right leg at the same time ("non-simultaneously" as he puts it) is confirmation that a huge amount of progress has been made in that leg. It is also very necessary for walking that each leg be capable of behavior different from the other leg. - Grant]

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