Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"THAT'S what SHE said!"

... --Michael Scott (played by actor Steve Corell) of 'The Office

Seriously though, my "nurse" ((the lady who "feeds" (pours nutritional liquids down my "G-tube", which is attached to stomach because I have difficulty SAFELY swallowing) me 3 times per day)) JUST remarked that I "absorb the stuff VERY WELL and QUICKLY".  I'm going to "pick up the penalty-flag" for THAT being a possible OBESE joke, because I know my personal FITness.  Apparently, she said that MANY of her other patients have "A LOT of problems" with their respective G-tube(s?). 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


To keep my readers "abreast" (CALM DOWN, PERVERTED READERS!  I'M A NON-OBESE MALE!):

I've been using my "walker"--with a hand-grasper--to walk ~ (approximately) 30 feet--WITH TURNS--around my house.
I've been ACTUALLY writing some notes and math answers ... ON PAPER!
My Speech "Therapist"--"under my" girlfriend's WATCHFUL "eyes"--fed me.



Although I am home now, I still maintain some e-mail contact with some people at my last facility.  I like to "bother" select people with random trivia questions--usually sports-related.  (After a few questions, one employee told me that she CHEATS by checking Google.  So, I OUTLAWED IT.) (Their recent PATHETIC trivia-record indicates that they're ADHERING to my RULE, AND EVIDENTLY,  MAYBE I'm just THAT knowledgeable ... about RANDOM "CRAP".)

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