Sunday, April 29, 2012

"EIGHT Days a Week!"

... Everything's going very well with my "therapy", so there ain't much to report there.  

Ergo, I'll give a BRIEF synopsis of my "therapy"-schedule: 

1) The subject is FIGURATIVE and EXAGGERATED (OF COURSE!) to stress my CONSTANT--NECESSARY--"work".
2) I have Physical Therapy twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday).
3) I have Speech Therapy three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

Also, I see my psychologist EVERY Thursday afternoon.  (MORE on THAT another time ...)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


So, in my Physical Therapy just now, I did some "walking" SIX SEPARATE TIMES--with the help of my "hemi-walker".
I struggled at first, but then I figured it out.  My Physical Therapist remarked, "WOW!  'How Stella Got Her Groove Back' (movie #1)!  "For God's sake, ---, I'm a doctor NOT A POOLMAN!"--'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective' (movie #2)
After my P.T. (Physical Therapist) noticed that my left side (my BAD, INJURED side) was OBVIOUSLY struggling while my right side was doing VERY WELL, he jokingly (HAHAHA!) commented, "It's 'The Man with Two Brains'.  (movie #3)

Overall, I'd say that I walked FAIRLY WELL.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

... However,

... my Physical Therapy is DEFINITELY HELPING!
I noticed that my left leg can DEFINITELY bear more of my weight--during transfers--than in the past. 

: )

: (

In lieu of my recent (NON) Emergency Room fiasco, I decided to cancel the rest of my "Therapy" for the week--fearing that my EXTREME ANGER/FRUSTRATION might affect my "performance".
Oh, well!  Next week, I'll begin anew ...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SEVERE CRISIS SEMI-"avoided"/"minimized

So--last night, the area surrounding my "gastric-tube" would just randomly/sporadically "pumping out" A LOT of blood.  Ergo, my nurse drove me to the Emergency Room.
Or, according to my treatment, I'm NOW calling it the "LACK of Emergency Room".  I waited IN the "EMERGENCY" Room--WITHOUT seeing a doctor/nurse for ALMOST FOUR HOURS (ACTUALLY,THREE HOURS AND 51 MINUTES)!
A nurse told me that they were "KINDA busy".  Yet, she also told me that they had 33 beds, and THROUGHOUT MY WAIT, I STARED at an EMPTY, UNOCCUPIED BED!

Survey says: The E.R. staff-members were both LAZY AND STUPID!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NOT my BEST output

I JUST completed today's "Physical Therapy".
Although, my steps during my "walking" weren't PERFECT--EVERY TIME, at least I didn't fall.  Also, YET AGAIN, I had NO PAIN.  THAT'S the thing about my stepping: when I struggle, it's NOT that my left leg (my BAD, INJURED leg) hurts.  The "message" to step just ISN'T getting to my leg.  (THAT'S the nature/extent of my brain-injury: blocked impulses/"muscle-to-muscle COMMUNICATIONS".)

Post Script (P.S.) ('After Writing'--for ALL those Latin-nerds): I AM a Biomedical Enginer.  Ergo, ebonically speaking ... I KNOW MY SHIT.)

(Also, I AM AWARE that "ebonically" is NOT a word, but it delivers the message.)

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