Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SEVERE CRISIS SEMI-"avoided"/"minimized

So--last night, the area surrounding my "gastric-tube" would just randomly/sporadically "pumping out" A LOT of blood.  Ergo, my nurse drove me to the Emergency Room.
Or, according to my treatment, I'm NOW calling it the "LACK of Emergency Room".  I waited IN the "EMERGENCY" Room--WITHOUT seeing a doctor/nurse for ALMOST FOUR HOURS (ACTUALLY,THREE HOURS AND 51 MINUTES)!
A nurse told me that they were "KINDA busy".  Yet, she also told me that they had 33 beds, and THROUGHOUT MY WAIT, I STARED at an EMPTY, UNOCCUPIED BED!

Survey says: The E.R. staff-members were both LAZY AND STUPID!

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