Friday, March 31, 2017

(FRIDAY) (AUDIBLE-sigh) 'Tis better LATE than NEVER.

I CORRECTLY-identified 3 out of 3 condiments in/on a TASTE-Test in SPEECH-Therapy.

(... YAY!)

... I said the Italian-dressing was 
... The ketchup was 
... The Grey Poupon was 


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

(TUESDAY) "PRACTICE makes ... " ... BETTER!

-- For my UPCOMING 32nd BIRTHDAY, I PLAN-on doing 33 PUSHUPS at my dojo ... to INSPIRE the KIDS.
((... I calculated (I doN'T OWN a calendar.) that April 8th falls-on a SATURDAY.)

... So, I've been PRACTICING pushups at home.  ... I've been STEADILY-increasing my OUTPUT to READY-/PREPARE-myself.

... Since it's been ... ~8.67 YEAR, since I even-TRIED doing A pushup, 
I STARTED-at eight.        (... DoN'T JUDGE!)
Next, I made it to 12.
Then, 16.
(... I PLANNED-on doing increments of FOUR.)
But, TODAY, ... today, I was feeling PARTICULARLY-WELL after my BEST/SMOOTHEST/most-painLESS BIKE-ride ... DOWN & AROUND my block, 
... that I--EASILY--busted-OUT 25 pushups!

-- Per MY-asking, my SPEECH-Therapist WILL-administer a BLINDFOLDED 
TASTE-Test for/TO me on FRIDAY.
... YAY!


Sunday, March 26, 2017


... I'm--EXCITEDLY/TENTATIVELY--DONE writing my AUTObiography!  
NOW, I'm CO-editing ... with my Editor.

... SAID-process helps me RE-develop some UNDERSTANDING that OTHER-people have TIME-consuming jobs ... & LIVES.

(... Like my Editor)


Wednesday, March 22, 2017


-- IF you (I) WORK, you (I) WILL see REWARDS.  

... (WARNING) I did EXTRA crunches BOTH last night & this morning.  ... Sooo, I dropped my BIGGEST & MOST-SOLID DEUCE in ~NINE YEARS!

... I took my SECOND BIKE-ride this week (FIRST at HOME), this time during my MOM's workout.  'Twas a 19-minute, 47-second trip.  But, I'm CLEARLY gettin' FASTER.  ... For ~ten minutes afterwards, I EXCITEDLY-felt the BURN in my quads!

... I'm EXCITED-for my 32nd Birfday-PAHTEE that my buddy's HOSTIN' for me on April 8th!


Friday, March 17, 2017

(FRIDAY) "T.G.I.F.", .. as the KIDS would say.


... I've been JUGGLIN' WRITING my FIRST-book, STARTING my SECOND, ORGANIZING my 7-employee organization, CONTINUING my SEARCH-for ROMANCE ... ALL-while MIRACULOUSLY-RECOVERING from a Traumatic Brain-Injury

... So, ... ANYWAY, my MAIN REHAB-issues have occurred with my SPEECH-Therapy.  I'm SPEAKING more-COGENTLY, my LIP- & TONGUE-movement is BETTER & I'm actually-TASTING food!

... UNFORTUNATLY/STRANGELY, I'm NOT CLEARLY-TASTING the CHICKEN.  ... But, I AM REALLY-SENSING the CONDIMENTS!  (... SALTINESS of ketchup, SOURNESS of Grey Poupon mustard, SWEETNESS of French's mustard, SMOOTHNESS of Thousand-Island salad dressing, LIP-SMACKNGESS of BARBECUE SAUCE & ZESTINESS of Italian dressing)

... PLUS, I was ABLE-to IDENTIFY those last-THREE condiments with-OUT knowing-AHEAD of time ... WHAT I was EATING.  

... Pluss-PLUS, I visited a new G.I. doctor, ... & ALL I gained-from the meeting was that the DOC said that "it's DEFINITELY-POSSIBLE to REMOVE [my] G-tube.  ... It just DEPENDS-upon [my] SWALLOWING".

... Sooo, I've GOTTA-keep PRACTICING  my EATING ... via MOUTH.  


Friday, March 10, 2017

(FRIDAY) "I WANNA get to the point, where I'm EVERYWHERE ..."

... "like OXYGEN ... or GRAVITY ... or clinical-DEPRESSION."
(--Conner4Real, 'Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping')


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