Wednesday, May 2, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Ambivalence?

So, I LONG-thought that my limited LEFT arm-movement was a NEUROLOGICAL-issue, ... that the neural-pathways were SEVERED in my accident
... But, as my UPPER body-trainer so aptly pointed-out, it's more a PHYSICAL-dilemma, 'cuz the metal is--LITERALLY--blocking the path.

... I had a DENTAL-checkup today.  ... And, the streak CONTINUES: I've now gone ... 12,077 days withOUT a cavity.
... However, my Dental Hygienist recommended I brush the INSIDE of my MID UPPER-row of teeth a smidgeon hardER.

Ya see, ... "I'm NOT-crazy.  I'm just a lil' UN-well."
(-- ''I'm Not Crazy'', Matchbox 20)

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