Monday, July 30, 2018

(MONDAY) Makin' up for it

I forgot that I ate my dinner EARLY, before I worked out at my LEG-gym.  So, as my trainer had already gone ~12 minutes over my allotted hour-long exercise time, I chose to just skip my ending-crunches & to depart.  I didn't want to keep my nurse waiting.  

Upon leaving my gym, however, my Caregiver informed me that my nurse fed me BEFORE my workout.

... Thus, I just did one, two, ... four sets of 50 FULL sit-ups in my bed.  
... And, I feel GREAT!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

(SATURDAY) . I couldn't agree MORE.

"You'd be SUUURPRISED how interesting people become, when they THINK you're REEEEEALLY stupid."
--'Disturbing Behavior'

... As a DIRECT-result of others' IGNORANT treatment of me as LESS-than them, I am [ALMOST-disturbingly observant.  

Thursday, July 19, 2018

(THURSDAY) I write what I cannot do. ... Until now.


So, I've become a writer.  I really enjoy it.
In my writing, I'll frequently type 

"AUDIBLE sigh"

to signal SEMI-tired frustration.  Up until just recently, I haveN'T been able to physically DO that myself.  

But, after much practice & focus, NOW I CAN.

(JULY 7) 'Me gustan unos numeros.' (8:00 am CST)

(I was born in Minnesota.)


a third of a CENTURY

years old.

[... I am 33.3(repeating).]

(I apologize for the DELAY in my posting this.)

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