Monday, December 17, 2018

(MONDAY) "WOW! That was my FIRST time."

... That's what SHE said!

I had a FANTABULOUS workout at 'NeuroFit 360' today!  First, I biked around the ENTIRE store-plaza.  I'd GUESStimate that it's ~1/2 a mile around.  I went around TWICE.  Then, I walked eight up & back laps on the parallel bars.
(So, that's 16 laps.)

What's great & SURPRISING is that, afterwards, I wasN'T even tired.  ... At ALL!

(... That's very encouraging.)

Monday, December 10, 2018

YAY! "Write that down." (MONDAY)

I JUST watched--for the first time EVER in its entirety--the CLASSIC 1989-film--'Field of Dreams'.  
... And, I didn't FULL-on CRY.  But, I definitely felt my eyes water.  I even wiped away a TEAR.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

I tell myself all the time. Now I'm telling y'ALL. (Saturday)

I am DAAAMN-courageous!

(... COURAGE is NOT "not being afraid."

It IS "being afraid & doing it anyway.")

I.e. My seemingly endless REHABILITATION-battle


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