Tuesday, January 31, 2012



I ask, because my mother and my long-time girlfriend recently informed me that I NO LONGER have the LEGAL RIGHT to MARRY--let alone VOTE.  IS IT BECAUSE I HAVE A BRAIN-INJURY?!  I AM ALMOST ENTIRELY "PHYSICALLY"--NOT "MENTALLY"--DISABLED!  (Need I mention that--within the last two weeks--I scored in the 99th percentile--out of 100--on my Psychological Evaluation?!)

Now, this God-forsaken country is BEGGING for a CHALLENGE!  I DARE someone to "BRING IT" in a bit of Random Jeopardy.  (I feel like Stephen Hawking.) (Or, is his name spelled, "SteVen"?)

Monday, January 30, 2012

The difference

... between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" is that LITTLE "EXTRA".

This morning I was supposed to pedal on the foot-bike for 10 minutes, as instructed by my Physical Therapist.  But, I felt STRONG, so I "biked" for 20 minutes and six seconds.  (THAT'S 20.1 minutes.)
Did I disobey my P.T.?!  On the contrary, I feel that it was a BONUS.

Time -- 20:06 minutes
Distribution -- 54% LEFT LEG, 46% RIGHT LEG 
Activity -- 100% (CONSTANT)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


... So, I JUST "FOOT-biked".  My goal was my standard--20 minutes.  But, I was feeling "TOTALLY GNARLY!"  (PLUS, I was watching ''Bill & Ted's Amazing Adventure.) So, I biked for 30 minutes and five seconds.  I "fought" fatigue to maintain 100% Activity!  My power-distribution was, again, 53% left foot and 47% right foot.

I first made sure that I was positioned at the proper distance, so my left knee wouldn't ache--AGAIN--from being too close.

Friday, January 20, 2012


... --'Aladdin' 

This morning, I FOOT-biked again for 20 minutes. 
(Actually, FIRST I biked for three minutes and two seconds.  THEN, my chair had to be scooted back, because I was too close to the machine-base, and my proximity was hurting my left knee.)
Again, I had 100% activity--for BOTH SETS.  I had a 53%-left leg, 47%-right leg DISTRIBUTION. 
So, I'm "fightin'" my "tone".

"I'm doin' the work. I'm NOT a slacker. PLEASE!"

... --'What About Bob?'

Yesterday morning, I foot-biked for 20 minutes and three seconds.  I had a 52%-left leg, 48%-right leg distribution. 
Also, I had 100% activity, so I was pedaling the WHOLE TIME.  (The machine never took over.)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's come to my attention,

... (I've gotta push up my glasses.) that my SHOULDER-BRACE does ALMOST more harm than good.  I KNOW it's supposed to further LIMIT the subluxation in my left shoulder, BUT if it's put on INCORRECTLY, then it's more of a NUISANCE than a NECESSITY.  
I believe that I've developed enough of an anatomic understanding to know what DOES and DOESN'T work for MY body.
But, hey, if those around me WOULD LIKE me to wear it, then I will.  I'm just saying' that I don't NEED an arm-sling to let me know of my physical limits.  I KNOW what I CAN and CAN'T DO!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

THIS is what I do ... in my SPARE-/FREE-time:


THIS may not seem like a big deal to all of my FELLOW-NERDS, but my lack of "manual" ("by hand")-control prevents me from marking "bombs".  Ergo, I rely ENTIRELY on my memory AND reasoning.  (BRAIN-INJURY, WHAT?!)

I ALSO saw my neuro-"therapist" for an E.E.G.--THAT'S an "ElectroEncepheloGram for those of you are NOT "BIOengineers"--"like myself".   During my ~30 minutes of just sitting alone--in my chair--in the doctor's office--WITH MY EYES CLOSED, I pondered about math.  "How many seconds are in a week?"  I asked myself.  HERE are my calculations (ALL MENTAL):

7 (days in a week) x 24 (hours in a day) x 60 (minutes in an hour) x 60 (seconds in a minute)
= (7 x 24) x 60 x 60
= (168 x 60) x 60
= 10080 x 60
= 60,480 SECONDS

... THAT'S how I amuse myself!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

""The Force" is strong with THIS ONE.""

Yesterday evening, I was doing my "exercises"--in which I hold a bar attached to the wall of my shower and do 10 sit-to-stands, EACH ONE involves my standing ALONE, UNASSISTED.
So, THREE different, separate times my "tone" ("involuntary muscle spasms") set in.  But, I paused and SETTLED IT DOWN--while still standing.
I DID NOT GET FRUSTRATED.  I have accepted my physical condition, and I continue with my activities.  (Like THIS instance shows.)

Basically, I've ignored "the Emperor", who said, "GIVE IN to your anger!"

(THAT LAST QUOTE and the subject are lines in one of the 'Star Wars' films.)

Friday, January 6, 2012

... I apologize

... to my readers for NOT "blogging" about my progress in my last report.
But, THIS IS MY BLOG!  So, you're just gonna HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!

On a MORE APPROPRIATE note, my left-leg movement IS increasing/improving.
My Physical Therapist recently introduced me to a "hemi-walker".  It doesn't LOOK very stable, so I was hesitant to use it--AT FIRST.  But, it abides by the old adage: "Looks can be DECEIVING."  It works well.

More later ...


... (Notice the quotation marks.)

So, I JUST "destroyed" my "caregiver" ... YET AGAIN ... in Connect Four, 13 games to 0.

Ergo, I was "cooking".  (I had "a baker's dozen" wins.)

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