Saturday, February 25, 2012


So, while I was showering (CALM DOWN, LADIES!), I noticed that I can raise my LEFT shoulder--my injured one (with ALL THE METAL IN IT)--to ~ (approximately) a 120-degree to 135-degree angle.  THAT'S ~4/3 to 3/2 of a "RIGHT ANGLE" ("90-degree angle").  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


... Am I slacking?

This morning I stopped my FOOT-bike ('cuz I DON'T have "Physical Therapy"--thus, "walking"--today) at 14 minutes and 59 seconds.  I was JUST shy of my designated 15 minutes.  (DON'T GIVE ME THAT "Almost doesn't count" CRAP.  I say THAT!)
But, I FINALLY pushed for EVEN "STRENGTH-DISTRIBUTION"--50% LEFT leg and 50% RIGHT leg!

"So, I've got THAT goin' for me, ... which is nice."--'The Big Lebowski'

Friday, February 17, 2012

Another one bites the dust.

I FOOT-biked for 15 minutes ... + two seconds.  (So, THAT'S 902 seconds.)

I had 100% Activity with a strength-distribution of
53% LEFT leg
47% RIGHT leg 

I set the Resistance (against me) at Level 1.

(I can FEEL my LEFT leg gaining strength.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


... So, I devised WHEN and WHAT I do to PHYSICALLY exercise each day--for seven days.  Ergo, it's a DAILY schedule--FOR THE WEEK--organized mainly by WHEN I have Physical Therapy.  On those days, I give my legs a break, because I tend to do some "walking" (Really, I JUST stand, and take steps within my parallel-bars.) during my Physical Therapy.  So, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I pedal on my HAND-bike ... for 15 minutes EACH TIME.    On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I pedal on my FOOT-bike ... for 20 minutes EACH TIME.  I gave myself the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) OFF.   
Also, EACH NIGHT--INCLUDING on the weekends--before my shower, I do AT LEAST ten 90-second stands while holding my shower-rail.

I printed out my exercise-schedule for my Physical Therapist's approval, and he said, "It looks GREAT!" 

Friday, February 10, 2012

That little EXTRA

I "rode" my "FOOT-bike" this morning for 20.0 minutes--instead of the recommended 15 minutes. 
WHAT?!  I had NO PAIN and NO FATIGUE, so I did MORE! 

I had ... 

100% Activity
Strength/Power Distribution: 51% LEFT leg 
                                              49% RIGHT leg


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lance Armstrong ain't got nothin' on me!

... (Except, of course, the fact that he contracted testicular cancer) ( :( )

I "rode" the "FOOT-bike" for--JUST--15 minutes ... AND two seconds.  I had 100% activity--so, I "worked" THE ENTIRE TIME.  Strangely,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This morning I pedaled on my foot-bike, while I watched television. 
OVERachiever that I am, I did 30 minutes--NOT the recommended 20 minutes--of "biking". 

Full Report
Duration: 30.05 minutes (THAT'S 30 minutes and three seconds.)  
Activity: 100%  
Power Distribution: 51% LEFT leg 
                               49% RIGHT leg


... It was NOT my girlfriend NOR my mother who took away "my rights".  It's THIS "democracy" (I use the term "LIGHTLY".)!  Am I REALLY the FIRST case/example/instance in the ALMOST 236-YEAR HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY who has survived and persevered through such a horrible wreck?!

... Before I seem too communist/nihilist, I want to add that my mother and girlfriend ARE in the painstakingly slow, arduous process of Regaining my SUPPOSEDLY "inalienable rights".

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