Thursday, March 29, 2012


So, I walked the length of my BIG living room--along my "walker"--EIGHT TIMES this morning.  PLUS, I, PHYSICALLY, turned around TWICE!
However, later, I remarked that my LEFT leg felt WEAKER than normal.  THIS was evident during my transfers in/out of my mom's car, when I couldn't even bear SOME weight on it without my left leg BUCKLING.  ( :( ) I felt like I "took a step BACK" (FIGURATIVELY), like I tried too hard.
But THEN, I thought, "Lightning has just struck my brain."(--'Hook')
MAYBE I was TIRED from so much "walking" this morning.  PLUS, I hadn't even TRIED the turning-procedure since my injury/accident, so I'M SURE that my UNEASINESS about THIS NEW TECHNIQUE caused my muscles to work EXTRA HARD to COMPENSATE.  

(Logic AGREES with me.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


... (THOSE are song lyrics.) 

I was tired, because I woke up early this morning, but ALAS "Rule #76: No excuses.  Play like a champion."(--'Wedding Crashers')

I STILL "walked"--WITH MY "WALKER"--the length of my BIG living room ... EIGHT TIMES.  THEY weren't ALL ALWAYS PRETTY, but I had my moments.  Also, I DIDN'T fall!  (THANK GOODNESS!) (My left hand was VERY SWEATY, so I had difficulty maintaining my grip.) (NONETHELESS, I persevered.)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


... Well, I'm not hurting.
ON THE CONTRARY, I--personally--think, and my Physical Therapist concurs, that my left leg/knee keeps "buckling" today because I've been working' it so much/hard.  
I don't have P.T. again 'til next Tuesday, so that nice little break should provide AMPLE time to "recover".

OH, YEAH! I did SIX MORE walks--WITH my "hemi-walker" as a leaning support--across the length of my BIG living room.  My Physical Therapist is physically supporting me--as I walk--less, because he says that he thinks that I have been improving lately.  He feels that I can handle the EXTRA workload.  
So far, so good ...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


... (of MY OWN design):  

I did 10 reps of 1.5 minute-stands (THAT'S 90 seconds ... for those who are NOT mathematically-inclined.) (May God have mercy on your souls!) (FAKE tears) (SOB, SOB!) while gripping the railing in my shower.  (RELAX, LADIES!  I was FULLY-CLOTHED!)

I normally do ten reps of 60-second stands, but I felt GOOD, so why not "up the ante"?!


In my Physical Therapy just now, I--with the aid of my leaning on my "hemi-walker" AND the "holding-onto-me" assistance of my Physical Therapist--WALKED ACROSS my BIG living room (~40-60 feet) SIX TIMES! 
(I've noticed that my MIDDLE STEPS are usually my best ones.)
(It takes me a few steps to "develop a rhythm", and towards the end fatigue "sets in", but in-between are some QUALITY-STEPS.) (Yes, I'll "toot my own horn".)

Monday, March 19, 2012

""THE FORCE" is strong with THIS ONE.""

... --'Star Wars'  

I am referring to myself in that I have the self-control to NOT yank out my "peg-tube"/"G-tube"/gastric-tube--out of which I eat--that sticks out of my intestinal/stomach-area and leads INTO my stomach.  

So, I've been ignoring "the Emperor" ('Star Wars' reference), when he says, "Give IN to your ANGER!"  

(I'm greatly displeased with my whole BODILY-SITUATION.)   

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Beware the Ides of March."

--soothsayer, 'Julius Caesar', by Billy Shakespeare  

I had my TYPICAL Thursday today:
wake up, brush my teeth, do some "walking" along my parallel-bars during Physical Therapy, "watch my mouth" ("figuratively") in Speech Therapy, pedal on my ARM-bike, shower, etc.   

From the words of ol' Willie, I'm "keepin' my guard up" for a DANGEROUS POTENTIAL HAZARD.  

(THIS was a joke--HA HA.) 
("Knock on wood.")

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



("3/14" = pi = ~3.14) 

ACTUALLY, pi ~3.141592654 ...  

Ergo, the fear/worry would be more appropriate in three years--3/14/15.   
OR EVEN 420 years ago (3/14/1592) 

Monday, March 12, 2012

"THAT'S what SHE said!"

... --Michael Scott, 'The Office'  

I'm not wrestling anymore--as I did throughout high school.  So, I'm not TRYING TO "cut weight", but my FEMALE (Hence, "SHE said".) nurse told me that my G-tube (Gastric-tube) ("peg-tube") (stomach-tube) is getting loose.  She said--with her medical KNOWLEDGE--that "it's probably getting looser from the all the exercises (I) do and muscle (I'm) developing".

BEFORE THAT, how could I have GAINED WEIGHT by simply "consuming" liquids?!

I'll answer my own question: It depends what's IN my LIQUID "formula"--in terms of my CALORIC INTAKE. 

(I'm not gonna argue with her "diagnosis".)
(... Besides, I have an appointment for a tube-change tomorrow morning.)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"EIGHT Days a Week!"


So, my Physical Therapist--due to scheduling conflicts--couldn't see me Thursday, Friday, OR today.  Ergo, I will have P.T. on Sunday--TYPICALLY my OFF-DAY.  

THAT'S "commitment".  (NO pun intended!) 

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