Monday, March 12, 2012

"THAT'S what SHE said!"

... --Michael Scott, 'The Office'  

I'm not wrestling anymore--as I did throughout high school.  So, I'm not TRYING TO "cut weight", but my FEMALE (Hence, "SHE said".) nurse told me that my G-tube (Gastric-tube) ("peg-tube") (stomach-tube) is getting loose.  She said--with her medical KNOWLEDGE--that "it's probably getting looser from the all the exercises (I) do and muscle (I'm) developing".

BEFORE THAT, how could I have GAINED WEIGHT by simply "consuming" liquids?!

I'll answer my own question: It depends what's IN my LIQUID "formula"--in terms of my CALORIC INTAKE. 

(I'm not gonna argue with her "diagnosis".)
(... Besides, I have an appointment for a tube-change tomorrow morning.)

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