Thursday, March 29, 2012


So, I walked the length of my BIG living room--along my "walker"--EIGHT TIMES this morning.  PLUS, I, PHYSICALLY, turned around TWICE!
However, later, I remarked that my LEFT leg felt WEAKER than normal.  THIS was evident during my transfers in/out of my mom's car, when I couldn't even bear SOME weight on it without my left leg BUCKLING.  ( :( ) I felt like I "took a step BACK" (FIGURATIVELY), like I tried too hard.
But THEN, I thought, "Lightning has just struck my brain."(--'Hook')
MAYBE I was TIRED from so much "walking" this morning.  PLUS, I hadn't even TRIED the turning-procedure since my injury/accident, so I'M SURE that my UNEASINESS about THIS NEW TECHNIQUE caused my muscles to work EXTRA HARD to COMPENSATE.  

(Logic AGREES with me.)

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