Tuesday, May 22, 2012


... ("Physical Therapy")  

I told my Physical Therapist that I didn't feel comfortable standing and walking, because of my SLIGHTLY painful but REALLY IRRITATING "G-tube" "blister".  In lieu of THIS, he (DAMNIT!  So much for anonymity.  Now, I've revealed HIS gender.) just STRETCHED my LEFT (BAD) shoulder and my LEFT (BAD) leg.  

1) My Physical Therapist said that my (LEFT) shoulder/arm-movement "is GREAT" and "has REALLY IMPROVED".
2) THIS STRETCHING caused my "G-tube" "blister" to BURST.  So, now I sit here at my computer as my blood/puss leaks onto the gauze around my stomach.

MORAL: Know your limits.
(THAT ALSO has a mathematical application.)
(Ywah, I'm a nerd.)

Monday, May 21, 2012

I have a "Latin" problem.

... Well, I've "got NO BEEF" with the language.  
I have a RATHER LARGE "blister" (?) that has "sprang forth" in the area near my "gastric-tube" bodily-input.  So. I visited my doctor today, and he diagnosed it as a "'dermis'-infection".  ('Dermis' is Latin for "skin".)
THANKFULLY, Doc said that I "have nothing to worry about".  It's NOT that I'm "WORRIED" about it.  It's that it's just VERY IRRITATING to try to not touch the area.  

I'll LIVE.
(Cross your fingers.)   

MORAL OF THE STORY: Latin sucks.  Take Spanish.  (I did.)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Riddle me THIS. Riddle me THAT."

...--The Riddler, 'Batman Forever'

So, my Physical Therapist stretched my FINGERS on my left HAND.  THIS limb-manipulation SOMEHOW improved my WALKING--WITH my walker.  (At the end of my session my Physical Therapist said that THAT was my BEST WALKING!)

Ergo, HOW could/did "relaxing" my fingers IMPROVE my walking--with my FINGERS?

... My Physical Therapist concluded--and I concurred--that stretching and relaxing my fingers will STOP my diverting my attention AWAY from my "walking" and ONTO my sweaty, sliding hands.  
So NOW, I must stretch my fingers DAILY.   

In conclusion, 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My NEW philosophy

... --regarding my recovery/rehabilitation:

""DO or DO NOT.  There is no "TRY".""--Yoda, 'Star Wars'  

... Granted, I'm not leaving myself much margin-for error.  But, I'M DETERMINED to overcome my "T.B.I." ("Traumatic Brain-Injury"). 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NEW exercise

This afternoon, I tried a (See subject.) that my Physical Therapist recommended.  

I sat on a NORMAL chair--with NO arm-rests--for ten minutes.  After ten minutes, I was feeling fine.  So, I shifted into Gear 3/2 and continued the sitting for another five minutes.  

Ergo, in summation, I sat--with my arms hanging down at my sides--for three halves of the "allotted time" (1.5 times "10 minutes" = 15 minutes = 900 seconds).  

In conclusion, "I'm doing the work.  I'm NOT a slacker.  PLEASE!"--'What About Bob?'

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