Tuesday, May 22, 2012


... ("Physical Therapy")  

I told my Physical Therapist that I didn't feel comfortable standing and walking, because of my SLIGHTLY painful but REALLY IRRITATING "G-tube" "blister".  In lieu of THIS, he (DAMNIT!  So much for anonymity.  Now, I've revealed HIS gender.) just STRETCHED my LEFT (BAD) shoulder and my LEFT (BAD) leg.  

1) My Physical Therapist said that my (LEFT) shoulder/arm-movement "is GREAT" and "has REALLY IMPROVED".
2) THIS STRETCHING caused my "G-tube" "blister" to BURST.  So, now I sit here at my computer as my blood/puss leaks onto the gauze around my stomach.

MORAL: Know your limits.
(THAT ALSO has a mathematical application.)
(Ywah, I'm a nerd.)

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