Thursday, September 20, 2012

Which way's the beach?

... Is it OVER HERE (I'm flexing my right bicep as I point.) or OVER THERE (I'm flexing my LEFT bicep as I point.)?  

I had my FIRST session with my personal trainer yesterday.  (It was MERELY an assessment, so it was a lighter exercise-session than my workouts will be in the future.)  

I did some shoulder-stresses, and I was surprised at how much/far I could maneuver my LEFT shoulder.   

(more later ...)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


(THIS doesn't seem like MUCH, and it ISN'T related to my "therapy".
BUT, it IS a sign of my INDEPENDENCE--which is one of my ultimate goals!)  

Lying in bed just now, I sneezed.  Then, I--BY MYSELF--with NO assistance--grabbed my hand-towel next to me and blew my nose.  YAY!  

I soon noticed that my glasses were dirty. So, I grabbed the CLEAN area of my hand-towel and SUCCESSFULLY wiped the smudges off of BOTH sides of BOTH lenses ... SINGLE-HANDEDLY ... practically ('cuz I've only got one "GOOD" hand)!  

(Sometimes, I surprise even myself with what I can do.)

Monday, September 10, 2012


Not today, but during my last session, I--RANDOMLY--asked my Speech Therapist, "What's the STRONGEST muscle in the HUMAN body?" 

(The CORRECT answer is "the tongue".)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Let's get phy-si-cal. PHY-SI-CAL!"

... --Olivia Newton-John  

1) I did TEN laps of GREAT walking--with HIGH-QUALITY form (VERY FEW back-posture corrections, LONG strides) across my LENGTHY living room.  I EVEN--UNASSISTED--set myself up for--AND WALKED--a U-turn.  Also, during one walk, I walked ALL THE WAY into my bathroom.  (THAT'S ~90-100 feet.) 
2) Despite the FATGUE that inevitably "settled in" immediately after THIS "TREK", I did 20 UNASSISTED squats while holding onto my shower-rail.  
3) I went to watch my Karate class.   

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


On THREE different days this past week, I have grabbed onto the hand-rail in my shower-area (It's about waist-high.) and PULLED MYSELF up to a standing-position.  (I VEHEMENTLY denied the USUAL HELP I get in standing, 'cuz I wanted to test myself.)

After I SUCCESSFULLY stood, I did my "NORMAL" twenty squats.  (CALM DOWN, LADIES!  I do THIS EXERCISE fully clothed.)

I did THIS after I threw 16 rubber balls of varying sizes across my living room--as an Occupational Therapy exercise.  (The routine stretches my RIGHT fingers and enhances/develops/builds my hand-eye coordination.)

P.S. I USED TO only have the energy to do TEN squats per day.
NOW, it's RARE if I do LESS THAN 20.

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