Wednesday, March 28, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Time spent WISHING ... is time-WASTED.

For too-LONG ... early-on in my rehab, I mainly just kinda-WISHED my health would improve.  I'll admit that I--ONLY--tried SEMI-HARD to improve my WALKING & speech.  I relied more on TIME.  ... With THAT I accomplished too LITTLE. 

NOW, I give 110%-effort in EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

(TUESDAY) . Consistency

Today marked my FIFTH CONSECUTIVE day of at-LEAST ~17 CONSECUTIVE minutes of biking.

Friday -- GYM
Saturday -- MY HOUSE
Sunday -- MY HOUSE
Monday -- GYM
Tuesday -- MY HOUSE

Thursday, March 15, 2018

"BEWARE the Ides of March."

-- soothsayer, 'Julius Caesar', William Shakespeare

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

(TUESDAY) . That sounds EEEERILY-familiar.

I was talking with my UPPER body trainer about how WELCOME & APPRECIATED my POSITIVE & OPTIMISTIC outlook is.  

Regarding my [DIFFICULT] journey, I said,
"Hey, if it were EASY, then EVERYONE would do it."

When he responded by laughing & saying, "I've heard that," I proudly-declared,
"I take the road LESS-traveled."

Saturday, March 3, 2018

(SATURDAY) What came FIRST--the accident ... or the misery?


What came first, my accident or the anguish?

 IGNORANT onlookers MIGHT observe me 

in my wheelchair & PITY the invalids, or 

witness my using my letterboard & dread 

being a [SEMI-] mute.  Yet, almost-

NOBODY takes the time to TALK-to me & 

hear/read my thoughts.  No-one reflects on 

the DIFFERENCE-between PRE-

accident (July 6, 2008) versus POST-

injurIES.  I have a LOOONG history of 

[PHYSICAL-] wounds.  Did I ever feel-

SORRY for myself?

... OR, was I ONLY feeling such distress BECAUSE-of the new loneliness?

(... Cue the Jeopardy-music.)


Friday, March 2, 2018

(FRIDAY) Does ANYONE ... give two SHITS ... about MY opinion?!

My SPEECH-Therapist THOUGHT I aspirate, when I--ROUTINELY--cough, while I eat--via MOUTH.

I TRIED-to explain that I'm JUST clearing my throat ... to allow me to BETTER-swallow.

P.S. Does my Biomedical Engineering degree from [ACCLAIMED] University of Pennsylvania ... mean NOTHING?!

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