Monday, June 11, 2018

(MONDAY) "NEW-shit has come to light."

-- Jeffrey Lebowski, 'The Big Lebowski'

   So, on the dreaded afternoon of July 6, 2008, I had my HORRENDOUS car accident that left me comatose & with a Traumatic Brain Injury.  

   Well, I JUST-learned that my injurIES were so serious that my T.B.I. was initially classified as a 

3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale.  

(... That's s a neurological scale that supplies laypeople a reliable and objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment.)
There are 3 categories of 1 to 15 points, with Eye, Verbal & Motor components.  So, comatose-A.J. earned the LOWEST-POSSIBLE scientific score a LIVING person could. 

... So, how am I still alive?!

--> That's a DAMN-good question.  I'm glad you asked.  
... It's called TENACITY.

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