Sunday, September 23, 2018

(SUNDAY) I AM MOOORE than meets the eye.

"The BROKEN are the more evolved."

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) . Random thought:

If Richard Recorde didn't INVENT the equal sign (=) 'til 1557 (That's true.), 
how was MATH done before then?!   

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

(TUESDAY) HINDsight's 20/20.

As an example of my trying to clear-up any & all MISunderstandings I create, I emailed my gym owner the following message:

"I have many DEADENED pain-receptor neurological cells.  So, often I don't feel IMMEDIATE pain.  Thus, I didn't realize just how serious the injuries to my left hip & lower back are that I suffered, when I stumbled getting off the incline on Monday.  I didn't notice the searing pain, 'til I was doing pushups yesterday.  They seem to only hurt, when I really stress them, hence the pushup-trigger.  
I was trying to signal that my walker was too far away from me to grab to stabilize myself.  But, as I struggle to cogently speak, my grunts & hand gestures FAILED me.  My trainer didn't do anything "WRONG", per say.  He just OVERestimated me.  

Yes, I have a Traumatic Brain Injury.  But, I still very much know what I CAN & caN'T do."

Saturday, September 8, 2018

(SATURDAY) Yank your headS outta your assES!

Three weeks ago one of my [FAULTY] bike foot-straps broke-off.  It didn't just come loose.  It completely ripped-OFF.  I almost slipped.  I could've fallen down, injured myself & ridiculously SUED 'em for buttloadS o' money.  

But, I didN'T.  WHY NOT?!

'Cuz my coordination is better than that, & I righted my positioning.  So, I called the company (WorkmanCycles) to complain.  Representatives apologized & promised they'd send a replacement & a technician to install it.

So, not-until yesterday (20 days later) does a company repairman [finally] get out to fix my bike.  Thus, he attaches the replacement.  Today I went out for my weekly ~2.25 mile bike-ride 'round my 'hood.  However, after not-even an eighth of my ride, the LEFT strap--the very one that was just replaced--completely broke-off AGAIN.  This time I lost my balance & stumbled but did NOT fall.  
(... Thanks to my ENGINEERING-mind!)

It turns out that the dumbass-company sent me two RIGHT-footed pedal-straps.  A T.B.I.-sufferer is a more intelligent engineer than that whole frickin' company!

P.S. WorkmanCycles bike company is WORTHLESS!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

(TUESDAY 2) Write THAT down as well.

Never get on the BAD side of SMALL-minded people with a lil' authority.

(TUESDAY) You do NOT make history by following the rules.

Write that down.

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