Tuesday, September 18, 2018

(TUESDAY) HINDsight's 20/20.

As an example of my trying to clear-up any & all MISunderstandings I create, I emailed my gym owner the following message:

"I have many DEADENED pain-receptor neurological cells.  So, often I don't feel IMMEDIATE pain.  Thus, I didn't realize just how serious the injuries to my left hip & lower back are that I suffered, when I stumbled getting off the incline on Monday.  I didn't notice the searing pain, 'til I was doing pushups yesterday.  They seem to only hurt, when I really stress them, hence the pushup-trigger.  
I was trying to signal that my walker was too far away from me to grab to stabilize myself.  But, as I struggle to cogently speak, my grunts & hand gestures FAILED me.  My trainer didn't do anything "WRONG", per say.  He just OVERestimated me.  

Yes, I have a Traumatic Brain Injury.  But, I still very much know what I CAN & caN'T do."

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