Monday, November 19, 2018

(MONDAY) . Compare & Contrast.

Since 'Rain Man' was on television this morning, my nurse--while feeding me--& I compared the title-character's & my brain disorders & respective talents in spite of them.

--> His being an autistic-savant prevents his comprehending empathy.
... I can understand what others PROBABLY feel.  I just canNOT display my feelings.

--> INfrequently, I'll have the ability to CHOOSE whether or not to sympathize.  He simply canNOT.

--> We both demonstrate an astounding mastery of numeric-manipulation.  Raymond Babbit is just faaaaar quicker than I.
(Good work takes time.)

--> Both of us possess this mathematical-dominance as a nervous-TICK.  It's more than instinctual.  It's like a subconscious reflex.


Monday, November 12, 2018


Here is a brief excerpt from the Psychological aspect of my intricate memoirs:

"WARNING!  I have no qualms about admitting my [SUPPOSED] self-contradictions:
My mind is the base of my PROBLEMS.  Yet, it represents the peak of my SOLUTIONS."

-- I pose this question to y'ALL--
Who is truly ... "CRAZY"--me ... or EVERYONE else?!

Friday, November 9, 2018

(FRIDAY) . NEW exercise!

I just went to my special-GYM, where I tried this brand-NEW exercise.  'Twas INTENSE, PRODUCTIVE & TIRING.
Bottom line--Hellz YEAH!

I WALKED from inside to outside then ALL the way down one side of the plaza, turned around & walked FASTER back to the gymnasium.  All the while I--alone--was pushing an ~30 pound cart with TWO 25-pound weighted plates on it.  I ONLY had two spotters to help steer.

'Twas probably the toughest, most exhausting exercise I've done there ... EVER!
(... Soooo, in ... ~five years)

... Also, this morning my Speech Therapist happily confirmed my inkling that my speaking is remarkably becoming more lucid & louder.

I now feel VERY accomplished & encouraged!

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