Sunday, October 1, 2023

(SUNDAY -- October 1, 2023) It IS time.


'Si vis pacem, para bellum.'

 'Tis Latin with the meaning--'If you want peace, [you should] prepare for war.'

Y'all may now purchase my 13th book--

'Too Many Possibilities' on amazon.  

'Tis actually Volume 3 of 3 of the 'Numbers & Much More' THRILLogy, so please DOOO grab it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

(TUESDAY -- September 26, 2023). Setting the record[S] straight

 I had a remarkable performance in my workout today.  Not only did I hit THREE digits in ONE set of HIP-ups (100), but after an extended pause/break to stretch my hammies, I--very comfortably performed 90 more.


190 HIP-ups is DEFINITELY a new record & puts me WELL on pace for my GOAL of 200 HIP-ups by the year 2024.


Just after my SPECTACULAR HIP-up display, I performed EXTRA tricep extensions on BOTH my LEFT arm & my RIGHT [SEPARATELY, of course).

   ... I typically do 15 to 20 extensions with a 10 pound barbell in my LEFT hand.  Today I did 30 reps.

   ... I typically do 20 extensions with a 15 pound barbell in my RIGHT hand.  Today I did 30 reps.

THAT's encouraging!

Friday, September 15, 2023

(... Part 2:) PSYCHE-out! ... IS it?

Just FYI: I still WIIILL occasionally POST pertinent information to my recovery & to my books.

I.e. My editor will very likely publish my 13th book--'(Whodunit?) Too Many ... POSSIBILITIES'--on Saturday, September 30, 2032.
('Tis the third novel in the ‘Numbers & Much More’ THRILL-ogy–behind ‘Numbers Do Not Lie … But, Can They’, then ‘’If There’s One Thing We Know for Certain, It’s That We Know Nothing.’)

P.S. Also, after reading any of my novels, please post a book review on its amazon site to help me build my following. Thanks a LOT!

(FRIDAY -- September 15, 2023). JEEEEEZ! I almost forgot.


I guess that my [UN]reliable memory is a promising indicator, that--after today--I'm gonna focus more on my newsletter ('INNER Strength').  I plan to release Issue #1 on January 1, 2024, then any & all subsequent issues will start quarter-annually (every third month).  I'll write 'em more frequently--should I receive enough reader-interest.

(... PLEASE write-in your comments to indicate your interest in my writing.)


-- LEFT handed finger stretches with a rubber band

-- 20 hammer curls on left arm with 10 lb dumbbell
-- 30 regular bicep curls and 20 hammer curls on right arm with 15 lb dumbbell

-- 15 isomeric leg extensions with my trainer's resistance on the left leg

-- Walking on the parallel bars forward (2 laps), backwards (2 laps) and sideways (just 1 lap) 

-- HIP-ups: 165 total but 90 reps then sizable rest and then 75 reps
(NEW record*!)
-- Tricep extension 2 sets each arm 
   ... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the left side--both with 10 lbs 
   ... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the right--both sets were with 15 lbs
(I alternated sets between arms.)

-- 30 ball hamstring curls with 2 legs but also single leg hamstring curls 20 reps with each leg

   ... 30 calf raises

-- ~14 minutes on BIKE

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

(TUESDAY -- September 12, 2023) Just gotta keep on KEEPIN' on.


I awakened at my usual "6:00 am"-ish time to gladly reply to a few welcome emails regarding my high school class's rapidly approaching 20 year reunion.  Also, I organized a few role-related issues for my rapidly-approaching newsletter-release.

(It'll be good.)


-- LEFT handed finger stretches with a rubber band

-- 20 hammer curls on left arm with 10 lb dumbbell
-- 30 regular bicep curls and 20 hammer curls on right arm with 15 lb dumbbell

-- 15 isomeric leg extensions with my trainer's resistance on the left leg

-- Walking on the parallel bars forward (2 laps), backwards (2 laps) and sideways (just 1 lap) 

-- HIP-ups: 160 total but 90 reps then sizable rest and then 70 reps
(NEW record*!)
-- Tricep extension 2 sets each arm 
   ... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the left side--both with 10 lbs 
   ... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the right--both sets were with 15 lbs
(I alternated sets between arms.)

-- 30 ball hamstring curls with 2 legs but also single leg hamstring curls 20 reps with each leg

   ... 30 calf raises

-- ~15 minutes on BIKE

* = Honestly, I believe I had that extra OOOMPF, because I excreted all my bodily WASTE the night before rather than today.

--> Of course, I dare NOT warn y'all by inquiring, "TMI?"
Ya see, my life-DESTROYING (literally) TBI has MAJORLY decimated my digestive system.  Thus, the [fecalactivitIES of my excretory system are an essential portion of my health.

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