Tuesday, September 26, 2023

(TUESDAY -- September 26, 2023). Setting the record[S] straight

 I had a remarkable performance in my workout today.  Not only did I hit THREE digits in ONE set of HIP-ups (100), but after an extended pause/break to stretch my hammies, I--very comfortably performed 90 more.


190 HIP-ups is DEFINITELY a new record & puts me WELL on pace for my GOAL of 200 HIP-ups by the year 2024.


Just after my SPECTACULAR HIP-up display, I performed EXTRA tricep extensions on BOTH my LEFT arm & my RIGHT [SEPARATELY, of course).

   ... I typically do 15 to 20 extensions with a 10 pound barbell in my LEFT hand.  Today I did 30 reps.

   ... I typically do 20 extensions with a 15 pound barbell in my RIGHT hand.  Today I did 30 reps.

THAT's encouraging!

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