Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Baby Steps"


1) The subject was a pledge name for/of a guy in my fraternity.  
2) The subject is the name of a book written by Dr. Leo Marvin (fictional psychiatrist played by actor Richard Dreyfuss) in the comedic film, 'What About Bob?'. 


3) While doing my "car-to-wheelchair ...AND back" transfers this past Thursday evening to and from my Karate class, I noticed that I was actually able to LIFT my left--"injured"--foot, instead of just DRAG it along the ground.  YAY!  
4) My psychotherapist told me last week that "barring any major denials/objections/obstacles", she would like to soon begin my rights RE-gaining process.  YAY, YAY!   

Moral: "Patience is a virtue."

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