Monday, October 22, 2012

"I'm SO hungry! I want some CHOCK-O-LIT!"

... --Augustus, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'

Today, I ATE--by forking the food MYSELF then placing the food in MY MOUTH--some scrambled eggs.  (Also, I forked a few "bites" of eggs and fed them to my dog.) (He deserved it.) ("ALL WORK and NO PLAY make Jack a dull boy."--'The Shining') Granted, I--STILL--didn't TASTE anything, but I've GOTTA keep TRYING!
Yesterday, my girlfriend helped me prepare/make/cook an omelet.  Granted, I did NOT eat any of the omelet.  ALAS, I'm just happy I remembered the little chef-NUANCES! 
My girlfriend said that the omelet was "DELICIOUS", so I guess I've STILL got it. 

Conclusion: Job WELL DONE!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Baby Steps"

.... ((The subject is the title of a book written by the psychiatrist/psychologist-character, Dr. Leo Marvin (played by Richard Dreyfuss) in the movie, 'What About Bob?'.))

... During my "transfers" IN and OUT of a car, I've noticed that I NO LONGER drag my LEFT, injured foot along the ground.  I actually LIFT my left foot UP off the ground a SHORT elevation for a SMALL distance then GENTLY set it down (NO STOMPING!) on the ground.  

So, SOME--only A FEW--"messages" are ACTUALLY "surviving the trip" from my brain to my muscles.  YAY!  

"So, I got THAT goin' for me, ... 
which is nice."(--'Caddyshack')

Thursday, October 18, 2012


... During my Physical Therapy today, I NOTICED a--NOT SEARING, but still irritating and nagging--pain in my injured, surgically-repaired LEFT shoulder.  After I "walked" across my "family room" five times, I changed my stance.  Instead of leaning so heavily on my--STRONGER--RIGHT side, I stood up straighter (... which I SHOULD'VE been doing all along).  
WHAT A RELIEF!  I felt "A LOT better" (Read: "painless".) during my next/last three "walks". 

"Riddle me THIS"(--'Batman Forever'): How/Why does my LEFT shoulder hurt when I lean on my RIGHT FOOT, while I WALK?!  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Was it the shirt?!

... I just had six EXCEPTIONAL walks--with my walker--across my "family room".  My FIRST walk of the day included--for the FIRST TIME since my accident--TWO U-turns!  My SECOND walk included ONE U-turn.  ("Start STRONG.")  My sixth--and final--walk also included a U-turn.  ("Finish STRONG.")

((I COULD HAVE walked more (My endurance is improving.  YAY!), but my LEFT, surgically-repaired shoulder started hurting (BOO!).

... (My shirt--APPROPRIATELY--reads, "GOAL MASTER".) 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Anything YOU can do, I can do BETTER"

... said my LEFT, injured leg to my right, STRONGER leg.    

I--not my Physical Therapist--not my Personal Trainer--developed a new exercise to strengthen my LEFT leg.  

DAILY, while lying on my back in bed, I lift my STRONGER right let off my bed and HOLD IT--motionless--in the air.   
(Usually, THIS TACTIC is done/conducted while my "care-giver" changes my socks in the morning.)  
My WEAKER, INJURED left leg will then DUPLICATE the feat: lifting the leg to the SAME HEIGHT with the SAME MINIMAL SHAKING.   

I've been doing THIS EXERCISE for only LESS THAN A WEEK.  But, ALREADY I've noticed a strength/endurance-improvement.  

... YAY!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


... I attended my Karate class last week, and the--my--teacher ("Professor" is his TITLE.)had some INTERESTING WORDS:

"... You've gotta LEARN how to learn."   

... You have to "create" your own positive/productive learning environment/atmosphere.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


... So, my girlfriend (RELAX!  She's a nursing student.  So, I AM maintaining SOME safety.) JUST fed me--via fork--into my MOUTH--a BITE of salmon w/ pesto.  (UNFORTUNATELY, I couldn't TASTE it.  But, IT'S THE PRINCIPLE!)
I required THREE swallows to get it ALL down, but "Baby Steps"(--'What About Bob?').

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

GREAT workout!

... Yesterday my personal trainer came, and I did some mat-work.
He was VERY HAPPY with what a "GREAT JOB" I did with my "triceps-dips" with BOTH ARMS--separately.  
Also, I was SURPRISED at how EASILY and PAINLESSLY and HIGH I was able to lift my left--INJURED--leg--while lying on my mat, on my back.


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