Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Baby Steps"

.... ((The subject is the title of a book written by the psychiatrist/psychologist-character, Dr. Leo Marvin (played by Richard Dreyfuss) in the movie, 'What About Bob?'.))

... During my "transfers" IN and OUT of a car, I've noticed that I NO LONGER drag my LEFT, injured foot along the ground.  I actually LIFT my left foot UP off the ground a SHORT elevation for a SMALL distance then GENTLY set it down (NO STOMPING!) on the ground.  

So, SOME--only A FEW--"messages" are ACTUALLY "surviving the trip" from my brain to my muscles.  YAY!  

"So, I got THAT goin' for me, ... 
which is nice."(--'Caddyshack')

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