Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Anything YOU can do, I can do BETTER"

... said my LEFT, injured leg to my right, STRONGER leg.    

I--not my Physical Therapist--not my Personal Trainer--developed a new exercise to strengthen my LEFT leg.  

DAILY, while lying on my back in bed, I lift my STRONGER right let off my bed and HOLD IT--motionless--in the air.   
(Usually, THIS TACTIC is done/conducted while my "care-giver" changes my socks in the morning.)  
My WEAKER, INJURED left leg will then DUPLICATE the feat: lifting the leg to the SAME HEIGHT with the SAME MINIMAL SHAKING.   

I've been doing THIS EXERCISE for only LESS THAN A WEEK.  But, ALREADY I've noticed a strength/endurance-improvement.  

... YAY!

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