Monday, October 22, 2012

"I'm SO hungry! I want some CHOCK-O-LIT!"

... --Augustus, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'

Today, I ATE--by forking the food MYSELF then placing the food in MY MOUTH--some scrambled eggs.  (Also, I forked a few "bites" of eggs and fed them to my dog.) (He deserved it.) ("ALL WORK and NO PLAY make Jack a dull boy."--'The Shining') Granted, I--STILL--didn't TASTE anything, but I've GOTTA keep TRYING!
Yesterday, my girlfriend helped me prepare/make/cook an omelet.  Granted, I did NOT eat any of the omelet.  ALAS, I'm just happy I remembered the little chef-NUANCES! 
My girlfriend said that the omelet was "DELICIOUS", so I guess I've STILL got it. 

Conclusion: Job WELL DONE!

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