Monday, December 31, 2012


... = "Activity of Daily Living" 

EACH and EVERY morning, I put on my "outfit" for the day. 
Regarding my shirt, I--ALONE--do ~5/8 (62.5%) of the work.  (I, OBVIOUSLY, like numbers.)  (I "created" THAT fraction by separating the "shirt-process" into FOUR parts--RIGHT sleeve, LEFT sleeve, head-hole, back-pulldown--then dividing THOSE PARTS EACH by TWO--"location" and "completion".  Ergo, there were EIGHT steps.)

... HOWEER, for the past THREE mornings, I've--BY MYSELF--accomplished ~7/8 (87.5%) of said "shirt-task".
(I STILL struggle to pull the back of my shirt down--which is DIFFICULT for ANYONE SEATED!)  


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