Tuesday, December 25, 2012


FIRST OFF, I apologize for NOT recognizing the GREAT CELEBRATION of "Festivus"(--'Seinfeld') two days ago.  ("Festivus" ALWAYS occurs on December 23--Christmas eve EVE.)   

I celebrated with my "Feats of Strength"(--'Seinfeld') last night by RANDOMLY going to the movie theater last night and REALLY HELPING with all my "transfers".  
As part of my "Airing of Grievances", I'd like to express my unhappiness with the tire company that sold me an EXPIRED, DEFECTIVE car-tire which subsequently EXPLODED as I drove home--on a highway--and left me in a wheelchair.

ENOUGH BAD/SAD THOUGHTS!  To quote Peter Pan: 

"Think of the happiest THINGS!
It's the same as having WINGS!"   

... OH, YEAH!  

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