Sunday, December 2, 2012

This is HUGE!

... ("THAT'S what she said!"--Michael Scott, 'The Office')

... RELAX!  I ONLY mean the subject FIGURATIVELY.     

Yesterday, I made my weekly trek to a nearby gym. 
1) As I both got in AND out of the car--going TO and coming FROM the gym, I was able to--with NO,ZERO assistance--  swing my legs out of the car and onto the ground.  PREVIOUSLY, I've needed to "LIFT" my legs with my arms, and scoot my legs out of the car.  But for this ADVENTURE, I set my glasses and hand-towel on the dashboard, reached up with my RIGHT hand, grabbed the hand-grip, leaned drastically to my LEFT, concentrated on the task at hand, then "let nature take its course".  
I accomplished this "FEAT" FOUR SEPARATE TIMES (going TO the gym, arriving AT the gym, LEAVING the gym, arriving AT home) that day.  So, I'm "on Cloud NINE".

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