Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So, earlier today, my mother, girlfriend, trainer, my therapists and I had a "meeting" about my progress and what I can do to be more proactive.  

Well, JUST NOW, I decided to try "WALKING"--with my "walker" into the bathroom.  
So, I sat up in bed, swung my legs up and out of my bed, positioned them on the floor--alongside my "walker"--and WALKED out of my bedroom and into my bathroom.
Upon getting in there, I was happy with my "output"/"production".  So, rather than sitting down in a chair, I decided to do an "ABOUT-FACE" and "walked" ALL THE WAY back to my bed. 
I normally begin my day with THIS "routine", but I wanted to do MORE.

Moral: BOO-YAH!
(The difference between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" is that little "EXTRA".)

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