Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In hindsight,

... I find it REMARKABLE that I used to have the patience to COMPETITIVELY play the practically NONSTOP-game of "soccer" ("'futbol'", to my fellow foreigners).  Also, since the game/sport tends to be rather low-scoring (Also, goals usually require some set-up/strategy), soccer requires a great deal of PATIENCE.  (My brain-injury has SEVERELY decreased/diminished my "patience.)

I was the "left midfielder".  (Wow, how did I remember THAT?!) 
So, I played BOTH offense AND defense.  (Yes, you GROSS, SOPHOMORIC jokesters might say that I "went both ways".  Ha ha, CHILDREN.) I possessed enough ball-handling skills and strategic wherewithal to help "produce" goals.  I was also talented enough to be my team's FIRST line of defense against the opposition's (USUALLY stronger/better) RIGHT side of offense/"forwards".

Let's hear it for the WORLD'S most popular sport!
O-LAY, o-lay, o-lay!  O-LAY!  O-lay.

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