Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My OWN Physical Therapy:

... Today was GREAT! 

1) I begin each day with "P,T."  Today, while lying flat in bed, I tilted my head forward and UP and OFF my bed.  Simultaneously, I raised my legs/feet  UP and OFF my bed for 30 seconds FIVE times.  (I conduct this exercise SIX times a week.)
However, THIS morning, I employed the motto, "START strong.  FINISH strong."
Ergo, for my first repetition, I held my feet up for 60 seconds.  On my sixth--and final--repetition, I held my feet up for 60 seconds.  

2) I, SUCCESSFULLY, "prepared myself" (using MOMENTUM to swing my legs off my bed) to get into my wheelchair.  THEN, I--ALMOST by myself--pushed myself up, STOOD (YAY!), sat down in my wheelchair, buckled my seatbelt, pushed down my footrests and adjusted my sitting-position.

3) After ALL THIS, I STILL did ten squats.  

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