Monday, May 20, 2013


Today at "NeuroFit", I had a PHENOMENAL workout!

1) I did A BUNCH (~15) of incline-squats while lying on my back on a cushioned bench. (My angle of elevation ranged from ~60 to ~80 degrees.)

2) I did ~15 more on EACH LEG--using ONLY that leg to push myself UP and LOWER myself.

3) I WALKED and TURNED AROUND--with MINIMAL assistance--to sit on a cushioned bench.

4) I put my "nose-over-toes" to grab and hold onto a--raised ~4.5 feet--horizontal bar to help me stand--ALONE.

5) THEN, I LET GO of the bar with my LEFT hand.

7) I PATIENTLY waited for my LEFT leg to stop SHAKING ('cuz I was HEAVILY "workin'"/fatiguin' it).

8) THEN, I removed my RIGHT hand from the bar.

9) I had to maintain PROPER posture--with my neck STRAIGHT, the majority of my weight on my WEAKER LEFT side and my hips pressed FORWARD.

10) I repeated this exercise two more times--with ~30 seconds of break-time in between sets. (My FIRST SOLO-STAND was GOOD. My SOLO-STANDING IMPROVED each time!)

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