Friday, June 30, 2017


-- Since Turkiye is ... seven hours AHEAD of MY Eastern Standard Time
... I emailed my VISITING [from Turkey] brother EARLY this morning to ask him what I WILL-DO at the GYM at 11 am ... EST.

... NO-reply.

... NEEDLESS-to-SAY, I (metaphorically) kicked ALOTTA ass!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017


-- In honor-of TODAY's being "HUMP-Day", I--JOYOUSLY--recall that--PRE-accident--I had a THREEsome!

(... with Neapolitan-ice cream)

(... 'Twas GLORIOUS ... & TASTEFULLY-done!)
(... Pun ... INtended?!)


Monday, June 26, 2017


-- I interviewed a [POTENTIAL] NEW Speech-Therapist.  

... I really WANT SPEECH.  I've LOOONG-PREFERRED NUMBERS to WORDS.  But, my injurIES--to my VOCAL-cords--have kinda thrown MORE weight TOWARD verbal-/ literary-progress.

... TODAY's applicant was VERY NICE & RESPECTFUL ... but also very, VERY, VERY PRICEY!
(... ~74.86% of my MONTHLY-payroll for ONLY ONE of SEVEN potential employees)


Sunday, June 25, 2017

(SUNDAY) "PROPZ" to MY mom!

"There's NO MANUAL on 
HOW-to raise a GENIUS!"
((--Dad of Sylvester (Human-CALCULATOR), 'Scorpion'))


Saturday, June 24, 2017


-- After my shower, as I LIE in BED, I'll bend my legS QUICK to put-ON my boxer-briefs.

... TODAY, my LEFT--surgically-REPAIRED--knee sent an ECHOING-CACOPHONY of bone-CREAKS & -CRACKS, as I yanked-UP 'mis pantalones'.  


... To a TYPICAL-human being ... WITH WORKING pain-receptors, HE'd be in AGONY.

... To a WOMAN ... who'd ALREADY given-BIRTH, I'm SURE she, too, would ... JUST shake-OFF the "pain".


Thursday, June 22, 2017


... NOTHING-AGAINST my mom! 
It is JUST that ... in a FEW situations, my MAIN-Nurse BETTER-understands what I'm goin' through, because she was ALSO coma-stricken.
(  : (  )

So, SHE--my Nurse--has that WONDROUS-emotion I COVET--


-- NEITHER my mom--a RETIRED Speech-pathologist--NOR my CURRENT Speech-Therapist were FAMILIAR with the word--that I VOICED:
(... I KNOW my SPEAKING was COGENT & CLEAR.  So, the ONLY ... POSSIBLE ... explanation for THEIR ignorance is ... 

the LATIN-roots.)

(... Mom, I'm TRYIN'-to give YOU the benefit of the doubt.)


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

(TUESDAY) GOTTA-make the BEST of a BAD-situation!

-- 'Tis the story of MY LIFE!

... At ~5:43 EST this morning, I was AWOKEN from my DEEP-slumber by a nagging-ITCH ... on my LEFT-ankle.  
(  : (  )

... RATHER-than buzzing-for my Caregiver's help, I elected-to ... reach ALL the way DOWN to my LEFT-ankle by ... bending-OVER to my weakER LEFT-side & bending my SURGICALLY-repaired LEFT-knee ... to DEcrease my angle of elevation to RELIEVE my ANNOYANCE.  


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) "'NEW-shit' has come-to-LIGHT!"

... --Dude, 'The Big Lebowski'

... Well, it's not-EXACTLY "NEW-shit", 'cuz I WAS-informed ... ~8.92 YEARS ago.  But, my Neuropsychotherapist just RE-informed me that 

MY Traumatic Brain-Injury was rated--on a scale of 1 to 15 ... in REVERSE-order of SERIOUSNESS (So, 1 is the MOST-SERIOUS.  While, 15 MAY-be JUST a major-headache.) ... 

a 1!

... The FACT that I FORGOT such a MONUMENTAL-detail about MY SEMI-unbelievable recovery is a TESTAMENT to how UN-reliable MY memory IS.
(  : (  )

-- On a more-PLEASANT note, my MENTAL-math SKILLZ are POSSIBLY BETTER-than EVER!  

... 'Por ejemplo', I--a T.B.I.-victim--JUST-calculated that I've MADE--FIGURATIVELY-- 
17 dollars & ~88.49 cents per HOUR ... SINCE my JUDICIAL-ruling.
(... RELAX!  I did-NOT--LITERALLY--actually COPY & PRINT PAPER-bills of American-currency!)

... I've GOTTA-CHERISH what I STILL-have!


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


-- I COMPLETED my two FAVORITE therapeutic-exercizes of MY-REHAB:

... Pushups (55)
& Biking (~22-minute ride)

... PLUS, I love feelin' the BURN in my quads, ... 'cuz THAT means that I was REALLY pedalin' HARD

-- Evidently, my Neuropsychotherapist has been talking-to my EX-girlfriend, because I am to prepare-for some 
hardcore role-play ... in two weeks.
(... snicker)



-- Since my injurIES are NEURAL ... & NOT-MUSCULAR, ... there's NOTHING I CAN/am ABLE-to DO to speed-UP my REHABILITATION, ...
other-than ... WAIT.
(... AUDIBLE-sigh)

... IMPORTANT-equation in [MY] rehab:

LEFT-ankle stretching (@ NeuroFit 360 + in-bed @ HOME) + INTENSE-focus + occasional DOWNWARD-glancing = 
NON-pigeon-toed LEFT-footed steps


... CALISTHENIC-equation:

1 or 2 BIKE-trips per-week NeuroFit 360 + 2 to 4 BIKE-trips per-week @ HOME = 
NOT-Lance Armstrong['s testicle(S)] = BALLZY

-- I am SEEING some FABULOUS muscular-development ... in BOTH biceps!

... MOSTLY THANKS-to my UPPER body-trainer, ... but SOME go-to NeuroFit 360!


Monday, June 12, 2017


"[A.J.]'s NOT-here.  ... Only ZOOL!"

(... Note-to SELF: 
"When someone asks you ... IF you are a GOD, ... you say, ... 'YES!'"


Sunday, June 11, 2017

(SATURDAY) ... FINALLY! ... I get a LIL' RECOGNITION for ALL o' my "WORK"!

-- I've LOOONG-been ... quote-end-quote ... ODD.  But, I recently-got SINGLED-OUT, as I wore my shirt that announces my HONORARY doctoral-title of 

-- After a GREAT-week of NOTABLE PHYSICAL- AND SPEECH-progress, I took it EASY by watching the film, 
'The Count of Monte Cristo', with my visiting mom.

... Feeling INSPIRED by the FANTASTIC-story, I've decided to WRITE

'The CRIP of Ol' School-Davie'.


(FRIDAY) GOTTA-maintain ... HOPE!

(--'What About Bob')

AJ Walking - NeuroFit - June 2017 from AJ Valedictorian Speech on Vimeo.

I'm PRACTICING ... twice-a-week ... FORMALLY ... by WALKING ... virtually by-MYSELF.

PS QUIET-down, peanut-gallery (MOM)!


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


-- For my 32nd birthday ... on April 8th, I sought to DEMONSTRATE 33 pushups at my dojo.

... Sooo, I HAD-to PRACTICE:
EVERY-Tuesday--starting March 28, under the SURVEILLANCE of my UPPER body-trainer, I did 35 pushups ... with an INCREASE of 5 pushups every ... THIRD-week.

... TODAY, I--SUCCESSFULLY--ripped-out 55 pushups!

... THEN, I used my RIGHT-hand to brush the DIRT OFF my LEFT-shoulder.


Monday, June 5, 2017


-- My DAILY-schedule REMAINS startlingly-BUSY despite my LACK-of LEG-strength.

... I do ALOTTA writing, stat-studying & technique-design on the weekendS.

... TODAY, I had ONLY-GYM work on my To DO-List.  'Twas a SPECTACULAR-display!  ... I pulled the WEIGHTED-rope on Level 5--out of 7--Difficulty-level for SIX straight minutes.  IMMEDIATELY-afterward, I pulled on Level 6 for FOUR more.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

(SUNDAY) I've gotta ... CHERISH ... the GOODS!

This afternoon I was SUPPOSED-to go to a local cinema to ENJOY a MOVIE.
... INSTEAD, per a buddy's request, I saw an earlIER-showing of 'Baywatch'.
(... GREAT film!)

... As I was invited by three friends--who ALL played BASKETBALL ... quite-WELL ... in high school, I wore a WONDERFUL shirt with a CLEVER backhanded-COMPLIMENT on it.
It read:
"WRESTLING is what MEN do during BOYS' BASKETBALL-season."


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