Wednesday, June 14, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) "'NEW-shit' has come-to-LIGHT!"

... --Dude, 'The Big Lebowski'

... Well, it's not-EXACTLY "NEW-shit", 'cuz I WAS-informed ... ~8.92 YEARS ago.  But, my Neuropsychotherapist just RE-informed me that 

MY Traumatic Brain-Injury was rated--on a scale of 1 to 15 ... in REVERSE-order of SERIOUSNESS (So, 1 is the MOST-SERIOUS.  While, 15 MAY-be JUST a major-headache.) ... 

a 1!

... The FACT that I FORGOT such a MONUMENTAL-detail about MY SEMI-unbelievable recovery is a TESTAMENT to how UN-reliable MY memory IS.
(  : (  )

-- On a more-PLEASANT note, my MENTAL-math SKILLZ are POSSIBLY BETTER-than EVER!  

... 'Por ejemplo', I--a T.B.I.-victim--JUST-calculated that I've MADE--FIGURATIVELY-- 
17 dollars & ~88.49 cents per HOUR ... SINCE my JUDICIAL-ruling.
(... RELAX!  I did-NOT--LITERALLY--actually COPY & PRINT PAPER-bills of American-currency!)

... I've GOTTA-CHERISH what I STILL-have!


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