Tuesday, June 13, 2017


-- Since my injurIES are NEURAL ... & NOT-MUSCULAR, ... there's NOTHING I CAN/am ABLE-to DO to speed-UP my REHABILITATION, ...
other-than ... WAIT.
(... AUDIBLE-sigh)

... IMPORTANT-equation in [MY] rehab:

LEFT-ankle stretching (@ NeuroFit 360 + in-bed @ HOME) + INTENSE-focus + occasional DOWNWARD-glancing = 
NON-pigeon-toed LEFT-footed steps


... CALISTHENIC-equation:

1 or 2 BIKE-trips per-week NeuroFit 360 + 2 to 4 BIKE-trips per-week @ HOME = 
NOT-Lance Armstrong['s testicle(S)] = BALLZY

-- I am SEEING some FABULOUS muscular-development ... in BOTH biceps!

... MOSTLY THANKS-to my UPPER body-trainer, ... but SOME go-to NeuroFit 360!


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