Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Dude Astride

I visited AJ on 5/31/12 and captured this video of him walking in his home. It's fantastic. Notice how much (really how little) support Leeann and James give AJ. These are clearly steps in the right direction.
- Grant

AJ asked me to add his own commentary:

Notice that I periodically glance up/forward--to make the "walking" more "NATURAL".  (People DON'T look down while walking.)
ALSO, I'm still trying to LIMIT my "Frankenstein-steps"--in which I somewhat LOUDLY slam my heels onto the floor.  ((SSSHHH!  I was hiding my stick.  As the saying goes: "Walk SOFTLY," (NOT ME!) "and carry a big stick."))

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Walk 4 - 5/31/12 on Vimeo.

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