Thursday, June 28, 2012

Due to some scheduling-mishap,

... I had both Physical Therapy AND Speech Therapy today (Thursday, 6/28/12).  Actually, my Speech Therapist arrived toward the end of my P.T.  So, my Speech Therapist had THE PRIVILEGE of watching me "WALK"!  (Granted, my Speech Therapist HAD TO do "her JOB", so she made me SPEAK as I "WALKED".) (I counted ALOUD EACH STEP.)   

... I "hope" (Scratch that: "KNOW") she enjoyed my "SHOW"!  
(MISSED OPPORTUNITY!  She SHOULD'VE quoted 'Zoolander' by yelling, "Yep, it's a WALK-OFF.")    

(Ergo, my therapy today: MULTI-tasking.)

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