Saturday, June 29, 2013

So, I'm A BIT of a SHOW-OFF.

... SO?!
It's more PRIDE.

Early this afternoon, I was at one of my "gyms" to practice my Karate/Jiujitsu techniques to TEACH.  There was a BRIEF pause in the practicing-action.  So, I decided to demonstrate my TREMENDOUS PROGRESS in my rehabilitation/recovery:

(Using the VERY HELPFUL preparatory-advice of my MAIN "gym"--"NeuroFit", )
I pushed myself UP and OUT of my wheelchair and STOOD UP--ALMOST individually!

My Karate-"Professor" (... Yeah, that's his WELL-EARNED, WELL-DESERVED martial arts "TITLE".) (... I'm JUST a 'Sensei'.) (PSSST!  Once, I heard him quote Eric Cartman of 'South Park': "Respect my AU-THOR-IH-TAY!") was VERY IMPRESSED and remarked how GREAT it was!

Friday, June 28, 2013

She's LOUD!

I decided to show my mom my "work".  
So, I called her into my room.  
THEN, I swung my legs off the LEFT SIDE of my bed.
Using PHYSICS ... and my strong abdominal muscles, I sat upright on the edge of my bed.  
NEXT, I squirmed my buttocks, 'til my feet were FLAT on the floor.
Heeding the advice of the owner/"HEAD TRAINER" of my gym--"NeuroFit 360" (SPECTACULAR, HELPFUL, VERY BENEFICIAL facility!), I 

--spread my feet apart ~shoulder-length distance
--made sure my feet were FLAT on the ground
--leaned forward to put my "NOSE over TOES"
--waited a few seconds to get a BIG breath   ,

and I STOOD UP ... ON MY OWN!  

(... Granted, I ONLY stood ALONE for ~10 seconds.  But, it's STILL a GREAT START!)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


"PAIN  heals.
Chicks dig SCARS.
GLORY ... lasts forever."
(--'The Replacements')

Also, my gym --NeuroFit--has the word, "HOPE", painted on the ceiling.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, ..."

... --'Star Wars: A New Hope'

(ACTUALLY, this event occurred ONLY yesterday early afternoon.
ALSO, it happened in my house.)

During my Speech Therapy, I ATE--via mouth--a good amount of 'BAH-lihk' (That's the PHONETIC Turkish spelling of 'fish'--with the stressed syllable CAPITALIZED.).
(Specifically, it was salmon.)

Yet another GREAT/ENCOURAGING workout

My workout-motto:
"Start STRONG.  
Finish STRONG."

This motto has been DIFFICULT to abide by--due to my LACK OF endurance.  
( :( ) 

But TODAY, my trainer remarked that he did NOT notice "fatigue setting in" as I did MULTIPLE sets of "ten repetitions of leg-lifts ".  

("Tuesdays are 'ARMS and BACK'."--'Anchorman')
(... So, I displayed GREAT FORM and ENDURANCE during my MULTIPLE sets of bicep-curls.)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PROMISING workout(S):

1) Yesterday I had a GREAT workout--as ALWAYS--at "NeuroFit 360".
First, I STOOD--practically BY MYSELF--for ~10 seconds.  
(I was using the techniques that the gym-owner taught me about WEIGHT-SHIFTING and HIP-CONTROL.)

(So, I'm getting "CLOSER" to SOLO-standing.)

2) Earlier today, my trainer remarked that he had noticed IMPROVED range and control with BOTH my left arm AND left leg. 

(... VERY encouraging!)

Monday, June 17, 2013

"I EAT, because I'm unhappy! And, I'm unhappy, because I EAT!"

... "It's a VICIOUS cycle!"(--Fat Bastard, one of the 'Austin Powers' films)

... Those were my PREVIOUS sentiments about MANUAL feeding--via MY MOUTH.  (I dislike saying that I FED MYSELF "ORALLY".) ("BAD FORM!--'Hook')

HOWEVER, my nurse JUST told me that--with the PROPER consistency of food, HABITUALLY/REGULARLY eaten--my sense of taste COULD VERY WELL RETURN!  (Since the two senses are DIRECTLY correlated/related, I COULD then RE-gain SMELL!)

Now, I've GOTTA make sure my nurse gets THAT food!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

WISDOM from ODD sources:

So, you ask for help.
That's how you LEARN."(--'Restaurant Stakeout')

"'Reading' is FUN-damental."(--'Reading Rainbow')

Saturday, June 15, 2013


... I was ONLY kidding about "carrying the one".




... --'Anchorman'

So, yesterday I had--YET ANOTHER--"swallow-study" to monitor if/how I'm progressing.  
It wasn't PERFECT, but I received MOSTLY great reports.
The testing-nurse gave me SOME CHEMICAL (I THINK it was "barium".) to drink--by MOUTH.  After my "test", my nurse told me that she's going to give me MORE laxatives to "FLUSH" the harmful chemical "out of my system".

OBVIOUSLY, it's working:

I've had SOLID excretions (YAY!) THREE times ... and ONE MOSTLY liquid poop ( :( ) since the "test".
Let's calculate.

The "test" started at ~noon yesterday.
My LAST "EXTRAVAGANZA of EXCREMENT"/"POOP=PARTY"/"BONANZA of BOWEL-movements"/"SOIREE of STOOLS" was ~15 minutes ago.  
(Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

~NOON one day to ~11:00 am the NEXT DAY = ~23 hours
4 poops in ~23 hours = (Carry the one.) Poop every ~5.75 hours.
~23 hours x 60 minutes = ~1,380 minutes
4 poops in ~1,380 minutes = (Carry the one.) Poop every ~345 minutes = ~5 hours and 45 minutes = 5.75 hours

(I apologize for--AGAIN--blogging about my excretory-activity.

... ACTUALLY, this concerns my HEALTH, which is the whole PURPOSE of my blog! 
So, upon further revere, I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry!

P.S. Unlike Baxter--the dog of "Ron Burgundy"(THE 'Anchorman'), I did NOT "poop in the refrigerator" NOR did I "(eat) a WHOLE WHEEL of CHEESE".

Friday, June 14, 2013

As a "NUMBERS-guy",

... I SHOULD'VE noticed/realized that the FULL name of my gym is 

"NeuroFit 360".

(That place ... and staff ... are AMAZING!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


... The word, "SUM"--IN ENGLISH--translates to "the answer to an addition problem".


'Cogito ergo sum.'

Where are my Latin scholars?

No volunteers?
Okay, I'll handle this one.

(The subject translates to 'I THINK, therefore I AM.')
(I find it rather COINCIDENTAL that--in a DISTINCT, ENLIGHTENING proposition forming a foundation for ALL knowledge--we find the word, "'sum'".
Granted, it's in a foreign language, but I interpret this "DICTION" ("WORD-CHOICE") as a LOGICAL decree of the IMPORTANCE of MATHEMATICAL-thinking.

I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury".

COUNTER to the Counter:
My "injury" greater affects my nerves and muscles than my EXTRAORDINARY intelligence.

The jury rules IN FAVOR of "Four Eyes"--twiddling his thumbs in the wheelchair.


A GOOD friend of mine reminded me last night what an AWESOME, AMAZING message one of my shirts displays (YOU know who you are.):

It's one of my Karate-tee shirts with a message on the left-"breast":


(That's just how I live my life: NEVER give up!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

CINEMATIC observation


"Quantus" ... "Never crashed"

(--'Rain Man')

-- Raymond Babbit ("Rain Man", played by actor Dustin Hoffman) has a brain-injury--SIMILAR to ME.

-- He's GREAT with numbers.  ("I SEE it."--'Rain Man')
AS am I.

-- He knows RANDOM sports-trivia/facts.
(As do I.)

-- He RANDOMLY, SUBCONSCIOUSLY tilts his head to HIS right.
(As do I.)

I am a REAL-LIFE 'Rain Man'.

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